I Lost My Sack!!!


Well-Known Member
how many times have you come across some fire or have grown some fire and ended up losing your herb because, that herb had you high as fuck. what strain also? this has happened to me at least 10 times throughout my 14 yr career, mostly when i smoke with people. i'm quite sure the majority of those times i dropped my sack and someone picked it up and didn't say anything about it. but, in 04' i my connect came up on some chocolate thai which i hadn't smoked since 96' and i ended up buying a qp. so, i sell some but, smoked most of it. about two months after it was gone, i was at the car wash preparing to vacuum the whip and i look under my seat and what do you know i find a 8ball of the chocolate. i was smoking a dutch when i found the sack, so i opened the bag and the smell prompted me to put out the dutch and roll up the chocolate. one of my best smoking experiences ever. i went to pizza hut afterwards and destroyed a large chicken pizza and a 2-liter of something all by myself.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Active Member
I once lost a €50 bag on the way home from my dealer. It was in my pocket on top of my wallet. I bought a chocolate bar from a corner shop got the bus ride home - sat down. Checked my pockets, nothing. It was all the money I had for the week. I figure that as I took out my wallet the bag came out too and ended up on the floor of the shop.

I cringed not because of the money but because I was looking forward to my night in with junk food and good movies.


Well-Known Member
I once lost a €50 bag on the way home from my dealer. It was in my pocket on top of my wallet. I bought a chocolate bar from a corner shop got the bus ride home - sat down. Checked my pockets, nothing. It was all the money I had for the week. I figure that as I took out my wallet the bag came out too and ended up on the floor of the shop.

I cringed not because of the money but because I was looking forward to my night in with junk food and good movies.
one of the worst feelings in the world isn't it. almost like losing a loved one


Well-Known Member
i got in a car accident and had a ounce of some shitty weed but ended up ditchin it in the snow 3 days later i found it should see how many cops were there dammmn lol


Well-Known Member
I had to (confiscated) give an 1/8 to an officer one time and that fucking sucked. It was like giving away a loved one.


Well-Known Member
lol, sorry, I'm high, and when I was scrolling toke and talk I saw your thread and that one and I thought it was amusing.

But seriously, I have a question. Did you refer to an amount of weed as an 8 ball? I've never once heard anyone use that term in reference to weed. An 8 ball is always either coke are meth....do people use it for weed now?


Well-Known Member
lol, sorry, I'm high, and when I was scrolling toke and talk I saw your thread and that one and I thought it was amusing.

But seriously, I have a question. Did you refer to an amount of weed as an 8 ball? I've never once heard anyone use that term in reference to weed. An 8 ball is always either coke are meth....do people use it for weed now?

in my hood we do because, now a days that's the smallest amount that you can buy weed in. the origin of 8ball refers to and 1/8 of an oz. hence the name 8ball. i'm really in the streets and what i'm telling you is from the streets, 8ball of coke, dope, meth, it's all the same 3.5g's.
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Well-Known Member
I know what 8 ball means thank you, I know where it comes from. I'm just saying, it's a coke term. We don't refer to an 1/8 of bud as an 8 ball, because that would just confuse people.


Well-Known Member
You do coke dont you?
never, nothing but, weed. anything else goes against the g-code. if your not in the industry i can see how it might be hard for some people to separate this misconception from reality but, the fact of the matter an 8ball is 3.5g's-1/8 oz


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with being in the industry. It has to do with you using a term that's only ever been used for coke/meth.
false, you are looking at it from a usable substance point of view. in my circle it's looked at from a product stand point, honest mistake though. when you come from environments such as the ones i've come up out of you only see the numbers i.e. weight and value.


Well-Known Member
I know what 8 ball means thank you, I know where it comes from. I'm just saying, it's a coke term. We don't refer to an 1/8 of bud as an 8 ball, because that would just confuse people.

obviously, you didn't know what it means. it's cool though. like i stated it's just a term used as slang for an 1/8 of an oz. if people actually knew what a 8ball is they wouldn't be confused when you say i have a 8ball of herb. let me clear it up a little for you, we in the street now say pool ball most of the time instead of 8ball. i can tell a lot of terminology and up to date styles of such don't make it to your side of the street and that's okay i'm here to help and inform you.


Well-Known Member
how many times have you come across some fire or have grown some fire and ended up losing your herb because, that herb had you high as fuck. what strain also? this has happened to me at least 10 times throughout my 14 yr career, mostly when i smoke with people. i'm quite sure the majority of those times i dropped my sack and someone picked it up and didn't say anything about it.
I know what you mean with that highlighted part. Ive never lost weed when i smoke with my close friends. But once i start going around smoking weed with some of my old friends or new ones. What do you know my bags would dissapear.

But yea i have lost weed before especially when in was in 9th or 10th grade in high school. I always used to buy weed from the same guy. i would usually put the bud in my underwear (just incase). But one time it seems like it must have slipped out or something. I didnt notice until i got to my last class and i started freaking out. I started rubbing all up on my nuts during class. Im surprised nobody said anything i could have easily passed for a kid playing with himself in class.:hump:


Well-Known Member
8 ball can also be for meth..well actually u just ask for a ball.. but wickd does have a point.. haven't heard anyone that i know that deals call an eighth an eight ball..and i know plenty..maybe it's regional slang, cuz nor cal uses 8b for coke

edit: failed to see the later clarifying posts

i fail
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