I may have to start watching this dyke more often!


New Member
If the Dems us the Nuclear option, they will be signing their own political death warrant. The fact that their leadership doesn't care is a good indication of just how much influence the Progressive radicals have gained over the Democrat Party. Its time for a complete house cleaning on both sides ... Democrat and Republican.


Well-Known Member
There are the same doom and gloom statements on record from the dems every time the repubs try to use it. I agree with Viredd we need to be rid of them all and start over. If they pass this crap it will not see the light of day because the folks will demand that it goes away (will be the key issue in the next election).


Well-Known Member
If the Dems us the Nuclear option, they will be signing their own political death warrant. The fact that their leadership doesn't care is a good indication of just how much influence the Progressive radicals have gained over the Democrat Party. Its time for a complete house cleaning on both sides ... Democrat and Republican.

The Dems would not be using the "Nuclear Option". That would be rewriting the rules of Senate (something Republicans wanted to do in 2005). Reconciliation is within the current rules of Senate. The "Nuclear Option" is just another FALSE talking point coming from the Republican party and their pundits.

Personally I don't care if every Democrat loses in November. They were handed a once in a lifetime opportunity with a super majority and still didn't have the spine to use it. Ive said it a hundred times that this bill was never really liberal enough in my opinion and the ONE aspect of it which I very much supported and also has an approval rating of around 70% in polls (the public option) is no longer on the table. Only Washington Democrats would be to pussy to do the POPULAR thing.


Well-Known Member
get it right vi.
In U.S. politics, the nuclear option is an attempt by a majority of the United States Senate to end a filibuster by invoking a point of order to essentially declare the filibuster unconstitutional which can be decided by a simple majority, rather than seeking formal cloture with a supermajority of 60 senators.

the republicans are not in a filibuster. the nuclear option is used to end a filibuster.
reconciliation is used to pass legislation, the nuclear option is used to end a filibuster.
we clear now?


New Member
get it right vi.
In U.S. politics, the nuclear option is an attempt by a majority of the United States Senate to end a filibuster by invoking a point of order to essentially declare the filibuster unconstitutional which can be decided by a simple majority, rather than seeking formal cloture with a supermajority of 60 senators.

the republicans are not in a filibuster. the nuclear option is used to end a filibuster.
reconciliation is used to pass legislation, the nuclear option is used to end a filibuster.
we clear now?
OK, thanks for the clarification. So, let's just call it 51 Senators passing legislation by the slimmest of a majority vote IN SPITE of what the American people want. IN SPITE of a million people marching on Washington. IN SPITE of the lambasting of senators and congressmen at their townhall meetings. IN SPITE of every poll that's out there. IN SPITE of the fact that the entire legislation flies in the face of the Founding Fathers. IN SPITE of the fact that this is taxation without representation. IN SPITE of the fact that its leading us down the slippery slope to totalitarianism.
The Dems want to use reconciliation to pass health care reform which is not the nuclear option, it is the same rule that the repubs used to pass Bushes trillion $ tax giveaway to the rich and to pass medicare part D ( a huge gift to the insurance co's and big pharma ). The polls when asked with honest questions show the people want health care reform with the public option. I would love to see single payer or at least medicare for all, but the influence of the insurance co's and big pharma will not let it happen. The corporate run media is not telling you the truth. Every other civilized country has govt run health care for all and it works great, but not here profits always trump lives. Its funny how much the right is willing to spend in money and lives to start an unjust war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. But they are not willing to spend a dime to help the thousands of fellow americans that die every year because they can't get insurance or they get dropped when they get sick. For the richest most powerful country in the world it is very lame. Keep telling yourselves were #1 were #1, the way we are going it won't last. Take a look at Somalia, how is that smaller government working out for them.


Well-Known Member
OK, thanks for the clarification. So, let's just call it 51 Senators passing legislation by the slimmest of a majority vote IN SPITE of what the American people want. IN SPITE of a million people marching on Washington. IN SPITE of the lambasting of senators and congressmen at their townhall meetings. IN SPITE of every poll that's out there. IN SPITE of the fact that the entire legislation flies in the face of the Founding Fathers. IN SPITE of the fact that this is taxation without representation. IN SPITE of the fact that its leading us down the slippery slope to totalitarianism.
Im not much of a fan of the current legislation. But since when did the right wing care what the American people want? The public option was and still is very popular in polls. Yet it was absolutely blasted by the right wing mostly with lies and blatant fear mongering IN SPITE of its popularity by the American people.


Well-Known Member
Im not much of a fan of the current legislation. But since when did the right wing care what the American people want? The public option was and still is very popular in polls. Yet it was absolutely blasted by the right wing mostly with lies and blatant fear mongering IN SPITE of its popularity by the American people.
that whole 'in spite of what the american peope want' gimmik is a talking point and probably a lie. EVERYONE i know is for the public option. the argument of those against it is an argument informed by lies.


New Member
... and when I say dyke I say it with love. I can completely understand her love of pussy as I am a fan of the vagina myself. Im sure she eats it better than any of us ever could. :weed:
Maybe she could put out some lessons on DVD for guys so inclined? :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
The whole problem with all this is Obama made the miscalculation of mistaking the republicans for people with a conscience when most of us already knew that just wasnt the case. In my opinion this has been Obamas biggest failure.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
that whole 'in spite of what the american peope want' gimmik is a talking point and probably a lie. EVERYONE i know is for the public option. the argument of those against it is an argument informed by lies.
Hello tinyTURTLE. I'm Rob Roy. Pleased to meet you. I'm against the healthcare bill on the grounds I believe nobody owns anothers life, liberty or property. Honest, I'm not lying.

Well EVERYONE, but one I guess. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hello tinyTURTLE. I'm Rob Roy. Pleased to meet you. I'm against the healthcare bill on the grounds I believe nobody owns anothers life, liberty or property. Honest, I'm not lying.

Well EVERYONE, but one I guess. :bigjoint:
Everyone over 65 thats on Medicare the govt owns their life, liberty and property? They must all be locked up in those detainment camps that the right wing nuts swore Obama was going to throw them into. Are you posting from one now?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The whole problem with all this is Obama made the miscalculation of mistaking the republicans for people with a conscience when most of us already knew that just wasnt the case. In my opinion this has been Obamas biggest failure.
I believe you have it backwards.
One person or group of persons cannot decide anothers conscience or choice of charitable activity.

If conscience were all that was involved, participation would be VOLUNTARY, not involuntary. It is unconscienable to initiate force against another person wouldn't you agree?

The fact that those bureaucrats who push healthcare reform will punish the individual for rejecting participation in it is an indication THEY have no conscience.

How do you feel about Congress having a plan for themselves that is "better" than the one they will give you? Where is their conscience?

What is your objection to a person not wanting to participate? Do you think they don't have a right to declare their own choice? Isn't liberty to decide whether you will or you won't participate in something the same as having the right to own your body? To smoke weed or not? How is one freedom different from another? Please tell me.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Everyone over 65 thats on Medicare the govt owns their life, liberty and property? They must all be locked up in those detainment camps that the right wing nuts swore Obama was going to throw them into. Are you posting from one now?

Please don't do the strawman thing or attempt to characterize me as a "right wing nut" . I'd rather discuss things rationally than have a debate degrade into emotional exchanges.

The government does "own" you in many ways. If you're okay with that good for you. They just put you deeper in debt to try to solve problems largely caused by them.


New Member
If the Dems us the Nuclear option, they will be signing their own political death warrant. The fact that their leadership doesn't care is a good indication of just how much influence the Progressive radicals have gained over the Democrat Party. Its time for a complete house cleaning on both sides ... Democrat and Republican.
Nuclear option?? I'll bet that's right from the lips of Rush Limpballs. BTW, what did your side call it when Bush and the repukes used it to pass the tax cuts for the rich?? I calls it, tit for tat, a justifiable action to the repuke response of just say no. Do you Nazis ever do any independent thinking, or do you, As I suspect, just mouth the Fox news channel talking points?


Well-Known Member
Nuclear option?? I'll bet that's right from the lips of Rush Limpballs. BTW, what did your side call it when Bush and the repukes used it to pass the tax cuts for the rich?? I calls it, tit for tat, a justifiable action to the repuke response of just say no. Do you Nazis ever do any independent thinking, or do you, As I suspect, just mouth the Fox news channel talking points?


New Member
OK, thanks for the clarification. So, let's just call it 51 Senators passing legislation by the slimmest of a majority vote IN SPITE of what the American people want. IN SPITE of a million people marching on Washington. IN SPITE of the lambasting of senators and congressmen at their townhall meetings. IN SPITE of every poll that's out there. IN SPITE of the fact that the entire legislation flies in the face of the Founding Fathers. IN SPITE of the fact that this is taxation without representation. IN SPITE of the fact that its leading us down the slippery slope to totalitarianism.
Great fudging on the numbers, a million, hah! It was a few hundred maybe a thousand or two. Lord knows, one can cruise the bars and offer free drinks to get that kind of turnout. I wonder what the organizers, the crazy people, were offering as a stimulus to get these idiots out in numbers, pathetic.