I MIGHT LOSE ONE... any ideas, opinions? PICS INCLUDED


Well-Known Member
ok guys, got eight 3 gallon and 3 4 gallon. all have 3 inches of hydroton in the bottom, then up to 6 inches from the top with ffof, and another 3 inches of store organic seedling mix. the white dots are alot harder to see as the plant has gotten bigger from this morning, i think i was just buggin out. anyway here are some pics


Well-Known Member
Still massive pots for small seedlings, wouldnt a small pot with just seedling soil work out a lot better?


Well-Known Member
Yer i'm lazy and just lift the whole pot shaped mass of roots out and plonk it into the new soil, cover and never any stress, i do make sure to cover the old soil with at least an inch or two of new soil though, takes 2 mins.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt have transplanted into such a big pot yet, make sure you dont water that much, that little of roots and so much soil will keep it moist for too long and cause mold/root rot, just watch out for that and next time wait a little bit longer to put them in bigger pots, i usually start in dixie cups until about 6 nodes high, then transplant. and as for the white spots, most likely mites, id mix 1/4 rubbing alcohol and 3/4 water in a spray bottle and spray the undersides of your leaves every day for about a week, that will kill them. did you disinfect your grow room before putting anything in there? that could be the problem too. just try the alcohol for a week just to be safe and youll be fine and dont worry it wont hurt your plants