I need help, I think I need to kill two of my dogs.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Not sure what you mean by "ass kicking," but beating your dog will only make them hand and foot shy, and can lead to fear biting and aggression. The next time a dog growls, snaps, or bites, grab him by the muzzle and scruff and force him to the ground with a VERY firm, "No" or "bad dog." Hold them there for a few seconds - you can even growl and snarl if you don't feel too stupid. It's what an alpha dog does with other pack members, and it's not only much more effective in showing your dog who the alpha is, but it won't result in shyness, fear, or learned aggression.
Yes sir, picked that one up on a dog training show. Pretend your hand is a mouth and pin them to the ground(without being harmful) for a couple seconds, shows your dominance in a way they can understand. Ive grown up with dogs my whole life. I have always said that there is no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.


Active Member
I knew this thread would go all over the place. Sorry.
They are doxies, 6 to 10 pounds. They all sleep on one small cat bed. I do have four beds in the house. They only use one. Go figure. I live on half a acre so they run all the time. Not that an issue.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Lol rat problem.

But seriously...

Here's a tip that might sound simple but works for my dog.

When you are trying to train, or enforce something, talk or command them in an understanding, but serious voice. Dog's can sense anger in your voice. They should respond better if you work on your tone.

Also half acre is a nice chunk but how often do you walk them?

If just let them outside try giving them a nice long walk, bring someone with you to make 4 dogs easier.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I love my dogs to death. Even the one who started it I was playing with today. They free run on a half acre. There're dog run marks where they run so much. Lol. I just posted this looking for help. I have them in two different areas right now. So thats fine. I cement blocked off the frencing Trying to stop them from digging.

Dog C was a great dog until her. BFF got killed in a dog fight, with dog C. The people next-door there dog broke our fence, and there pit bull killed her best friend. After that she is a total bitch.....

I take good care of her because I know she is sad.
MY dog was attacked by a pit and has never been the same.. She is completely dog aggressive now. The only dog she tolerates is our other dog. She attacks other dogs.

Any sign of aggression towards another dog or people should be dealt with swiftly. Scruff the dog, pull it to the ground, and stand over her.

If she growls when you do this, smack her muzzle and dig your nails into her scruff for a sec. If she still growls, make a deep throated no and shake her slightly with a small jerk while scruffing her. repeat until she ceases to growl. if you stop while she is still growling, she thinks she can assert dominance over you.

Never do anything that will break skin or bones. But DO NOT be afraid to make her uncomfortable if you need to.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
also, try walking her a leash.. Let her view other dogs from afar.

Sorry to say, but without a long schedule of training sessions, your dog cannot be trusted with other dogs.

If the dog only does it when unsupervised, don't let her out with the other dogs. If she does it while you are around, time to put her down.