I Need HELP! just ready to harvest and i ve found bugs!!!


Active Member
hi peeps.
i need someone whose had this problem to tell me what to do.
i m just ready to harvest my plant when lasy night i found tiny bugs and tiny spots of mould in some of the buds.
the bugs are small green like lavae on the leaves, small black bugs in the buds where its all sticky. and they seem to be joined, if not , laying more lavae? that kinda resembles saw dust.
should i cut the whole thing down before this shit starts to spread?
does it harm the weed with these bugs on?
is it only fit for the bin?
i ve trimmed the spots of mould off. .can anyone give me some advice as i just dont know what to do.


Well-Known Member
If ya ready to cut the weed down cut the stem right at the very base of ya plant ya hear me know.first of all worry about the mould this can be fuckeris if not delt with fast put your plants in large air tight bags you might need more than one depending on the ammount?Next step put one of ya large fans blowing in the bag leave this for a couple of days tie rope around top of bag but leave a gap for air to escape from this will let air flow around ya weed them drying up the mould remember the more water the more risk of mould.Always keep fans on even when lights are off if ya a bourn in uk then get 2extractor fans the ones used in a toilet will work fine the seller of growing stuff will say these are no good for the job but belive they want u to buy more expensive exstractors.This may sound stupid but wait till ya weed a dry then put all ya weed in a air tight bag make sure its air tight must be or wont work get all air out and leave them pest aslow death suffercation ya hear no or ya could sell em add a little weight to ya weed:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
guys, im a noob so im not saying this as bad advice just an idea.

what if you were to leave them there till harvest, them stick the plants in the oven on a hot temp for 3 mins to burn the little bastards?