I need help plzz!!!


Well-Known Member
okay, so yeah that is not natural. later in flowering its okay if the leaves turn yellow, but this looks like over watering. it is possible that its a nitrogen deficiency.

for watering you should only water the plant when it really needs it. if you water it every day unless its really hot than you will give it root rot for sure. you should try letting the soil dry out a bit and then water. maybe every few days depending on the size of the plant and how hot it is in the grow room. the hotter it is, the faster the soil dries out.

if i were you i would be fertilizing the plant. without fertilizer you wont be able to get a good yield. if you are trying to go all organic than fertilize with bat guano, worm castings, bone meal, blood meal or any other organic nutes. organic nutes are really easy to use and it's harder to over fertilize with organic nutes.

i am pretty sure its root rot, because you water every day. try letting the soil dry out. the plant will probably die, but you may as well try it. if the plant dies get another clone and start over. like i said, you should be fertilizing your plant. another easy to feed your plant thats organic would be compost tea. this can be sprayed on the leaves for a foliar feed or it can be poured into the soil and used that way.

good luck and dont worry, you will get a lot better at growing. this looks like its one of your first times so dont beat yourself up too bad. either get a good cannabis grow book, or just start doing a lot of research online. you will get better in no time!


Well-Known Member
okay, so yeah that is not natural. later in flowering its okay if the leaves turn yellow, but this looks like over watering. it is possible that its a nitrogen deficiency.

for watering you should only water the plant when it really needs it. if you water it every day unless its really hot than you will give it root rot for sure. you should try letting the soil dry out a bit and then water. maybe every few days depending on the size of the plant and how hot it is in the grow room. the hotter it is, the faster the soil dries out.

if i were you i would be fertilizing the plant. without fertilizer you wont be able to get a good yield. if you are trying to go all organic than fertilize with bat guano, worm castings, bone meal, blood meal or any other organic nutes. organic nutes are really easy to use and it's harder to over fertilize with organic nutes.

i am pretty sure its root rot, because you water every day. try letting the soil dry out. the plant will probably die, but you may as well try it. if the plant dies get another clone and start over. like i said, you should be fertilizing your plant. another easy to feed your plant thats organic would be compost tea. this can be sprayed on the leaves for a foliar feed or it can be poured into the soil and used that way.

good luck and dont worry, you will get a lot better at growing. this looks like its one of your first times so dont beat yourself up too bad. either get a good cannabis grow book, or just start doing a lot of research online. you will get better in no time!
my soil has worm castings and bat guano and alot of other stuff in it.
idk the PKM though it doesnt sayy
and i looked at nitrogen deficient plantts and dont match. the pottassium defient one loks like mine.
and i got this pottassium ssupplement called snow storm ultra will that help at all?
and what kind of nutrients should i buy?


Well-Known Member
:sad:Can anyone help em to know if the Snow Storm Ultra will help the plant???
and what are some good nutez to buy??
Blaze it niggahzzx:bigjoint::dunce::sleep::fire::-P:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot
any idea of any affordable lighting? (cheap but good)
im low on money and dont get paid till lext friday and could spider mites get on the plant even if its indoors? Doesnt light make it grow though im not trying to get it to go through flowering i want it to get longer or taller cause its like 1-1/2 feet tall
i think thats to small
i trimmed some of the lower leaves that were dying also. and the spots where they were cut off are turning purple. is this due to sudden stress? I been told its from over watering or nute burn and now spider mites.
idk how its getting nute burn i juzz let it feed of the nutrients in the soil. over watering sounds probable due to me watering everyday but im cutting back now to when the soil on top dries about 1/3 of the way down. and spider mites? idk if thats the cause cause it looks like its either burning or just dying period there arent any brown spots in only on the edges of the leaves.?:wall:
Can anyone please help me on some nutrients a can feed it.?
is SNow Storm Ultra good for now since it looks like it has a potassium deficet>??:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
This is some piks of how it looks like now.
havent watered cause soil isnt dry ewnough yet.
and only nute ive added is this snow storm ultra
which is a potassium supplement
i trimmed some of the leaves that were dying off. lettme know what you think is wrong with it.?
the leaves that are wilting are on the top
the two big fan leaves.
you think it'll be okay to trim those off to?
since there are new ones to replace them?



Well-Known Member
My stem is turning purple now.
is that from stressing the plant??
some spots are purple bot the whole stem
like the lower part by the soil is purple and like half way up the stem its purple. will this hurt my budd at all?
my plants starting to smell really good too(:
starting to see the crystals growing too
looks good except for some leaves still dying not as bad as before though
any thoughts??


Well-Known Member
Go to walmart and buy some emergency blankets/mylar and set up a wall arround your plant to capture and focus all the lumens that your light is emiting and focusing them on your plant. As for lights the cheapest think you will find are CFLs. Get 2 y spliters and 4 bulbs and you should be good to go with that small plant. More light you have the more bud you will produce. As for your light cycle you are in flowering now as you can see from the pics. keep it in 12/12 for the remainder of its life. Getting it back into vegg state can take a while. longer than you would want to wait.


Well-Known Member
My stem is turning purple now.
is that from stressing the plant??
some spots are purple bot the whole stem
like the lower part by the soil is purple and like half way up the stem its purple. will this hurt my budd at all?
my plants starting to smell really good too(:
starting to see the crystals growing too
looks good except for some leaves still dying not as bad as before though
any thoughts??
your stem is turning purple because your plant is cold when your lights are off.


Well-Known Member
your stem is turning purple because your plant is cold when your lights are off.
thank you very much for your posts
Will it affect my outcome at night??
well ihave a heater in the closet now with the plant and the lights
what should i set the temp to be at all times??
i was thinkin maybe 73 degrees?