i need help this is my first indoors grow ever

im growing in a 2X3 closet with a 6 gallon pot fileld wit some composted soil from my yard the seeds (4) are on day 1 of pre germination.

question number 1. the only bulb i can find is a 40 watt im only growing 2 palnts will that be enough wpsf (watts per sq ft)?

question number 2. im 17 hense forth i live with my mom and im still in school what are some creative ways to hide the glare from the bulb and the potent smell from the marijuana (she lets me smoke but im not to shure how she will take to me growing)?

question number 3. during the stages of growth how what are the ratios for hight/water hight/amount of light alloted

question number 4. about how tall can i let the plants get (assuming theyre both fems) before i start cutting the light to 12/12

question number 5. if the 40 watt isnt going to be enough will you please tell me now what watt bulb i will need to grow 2 marijuana plants from seed to flowering im very very tight on money so i would prefer a bublb that can fit in the socket im using for my 40 watt​

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry friend, but once someone says that they are underage, they usually don't get much help here. I suggest you create a new account. Good luck.


Active Member
Your mother pays the rent / mortgage. If she is not in complete agreement, then find another place to grow. When you pay your own rent, you can dictate what grows where. If you have no respect for your mothers decisions, or her property rights, then why should anybody be willing to help you out on this. Medical marijuan is built upon the ultimate property rights, your own body. Respect others and their rights as well.

Sorry if this 'bums you out', maybe when you grow up you will understand.


Well-Known Member
Pshh when i was a kid my mom n dad let me grow in my closet with NO SMELL control and they loved ever min of it funny how some parents can be =D