I Need Some Help!

Resin glands can be removed from the cannabis plant by agitating the trim in cold water — typically ice cold water or water that has been chilled in a fridge overnight. The trim is placed in a bucket, which is then filled with cold water. The water and trim are swirled and mixed with a wooden spoon or an electric whisk. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes before scooping out the skuff floating on the surface. The remaining liquid is strained through a coffee sieve to collect most of the trichomes, as they won't pass through with the water. Let the coffee sieve dry and you've got excellent grade trichomes extract to use to make hash (how to make hash the right way). The basic idea behind this is that cold water breaks the glands away from the marijuana leaf matter. The glands eventually sink to the bottom of the bucket because they are heavier than water. The bulk cannabis leaf matter should stay afloat and can be easily scooped away.

I've kept a stem collection for the last few years and convinced some of my friends to as well. I just put all the stems in the freezer for a few hours (supposed to make the trichs come off that plant easier), then put them in a food processor/blender, then put it in a bigass mason jar with ice cold water, shake it up, let it settle for a little while, then put a coffee strainer over the top, secure it with the lid, and pour all the liquid out I can, take the top off and let the coffee filter sit somewhere to dry, then scrape some kefe/thc/whatever off the coffee filter and smoke!

Alternatively you can use the stems to make cannabutter for toast/biscuits/brownies.

Put it all to good use.
It's good, but after a while you find that you've got a freezer full of stalk. Unless you can be arsed to make it when you've still got plenty of bud.