I need to grow FAST- it stops my seizures


Well-Known Member
i know you said your broke but i got these about 3weeks ago. cloner.jpg $138 and they rock. when i get the money i am going to get rid of these and get the 4' 8bulb 200w t5s. this plant went from seed to this in 25 days chronicw2.jpg going to keep it small. then under the hps. chronic2dy.jpg this is 4days flower (i think)


New Member
You know what Pot4Ep, i will send you some 65w cfls when i get some cash if you still don't have any good ones. I don't need them anymore. It really is a med issue right?


Well-Known Member
I know the feeling of having to wait but if its true and you need it for medical reasons is best to veg it till its bigger then take clones and flower them to find out if its a female. if it is id keep it as a mother plant and clone plants off of that. best things in life comes to those who wait.


Active Member
Yeah- it's a med issue. I quit smoking in may of 07, and within 2 weeks I was having partial complex seizures 2-4 times a day. So far, it cost me my job as a jobsite foreman, my drivers license, my ability to make any money, and my freedom (I need a ride to get anywhere I go). Since then, the only time I don't have a seizure is one or two days following when I smoke. I have also tried three or four meds from the neurologist, but nothing so far.


New Member
1. sow your seeds in a magnetic field to increase yield...
2. use a sub micron water diffuser to oxygenate your reservoir with pure O2
3. pump highly oxygenated nutes in to plants root zones

see my thread:
Okay, if you had read the rest of the thread, you would see that the guy is on a budget, and much like the rest of us, cannot afford a superconductor and an electron producing gravitational field with a 600 plug,nutrient supplying,aeroponics system.

Bro, you could grow to your hearts content if you would take the time and make the necessary losses to build yourself a better indoor garden. I would be happy to answer any of your questions and help in any way i can. Cfl's are not the best way, but they are a fully functioning option, which there is no reason to not use.
I really think you should consider
1. How much do you want to grow?
2. space
3. energy consumption
Yoiu may have answered all these questions previously, but if you could just put them out for me or us, that would be great. You can also pm me if you want.