I really am voting for Ron Paul an epiphany


New Member
unless, of course, you're a black guy in the south. then all bets are off.
Then you would be voting for Ron Paul if you were smart cause you'd be worried about racist sherrifs and prosecutors planting drugs on you, thats what real victims of racism are suffering from, not imaginary possibilities of non-existent signs. If your concerned for civil liberties whatsoever then how could you vote for anyone this election besides Ron Paul? That is just misinformed and/or ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Amazing how the lack of representation spreads in US for the little guy . Ralph Nader is a good source for the truth amidst all the smoke and mirrors .[video=youtube;qmpnX6Ebjm4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmpnX6Ebjm4[/video]
i voted for him in 2008 when i really didnt ever look into RP but this time around RON PAUL 2012!


Well-Known Member
I dont work for the corporation. it does not answer to the people, hasnt in a long time. It is an occupying force, who, through the use of their billion dollar advertising budget has painted a really ugly picture for you all to see. Hopefully people wake up soon and realize a true masterpiece is underneath this forgery.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I know he doesn't have a chance in hell of ever winning. But thats the point. It doesnt matter if he is a racist bigoted nut job conspiracy freak. I dont even care that he plays lip service to legalizing marijuana. I know that by supporting him. If anything bad ever happens or challenging times occur. I can say. Well my guy Ron Paul would of solved that problem. Too bad you didnt vote for him.
Doesnt even matter what the problem is. Could be a meteor heading towards Earth. I will just shrug and say. Well if my guy Ron Paul would of been elected that meteor would of gone to some other planet.

Man you stoners are smart.
Does nobody else smell the sarcasm?

un named

Active Member
I dont think it matter who you vote for im pretty sure they are bringing a new electrinic voting system in yer you know what that means. and also iv read that in the past they have actually found out that dead people have voted now how does that happen? not trying to be a downer here or anything just shit thant i have read.