I saw the zeitgeist movie, the religion part changed my whole perception of life.


Active Member
I havent watched Zeiteist yet, but Im planning on doing it today or tomorrow (been really busy).

Theres about 5-10 real good documentaries which I would recommend you to watch, Ive watched a few of them Im trying to remember the names.

Esoteric Agenda was a real good one, definitely changed my way of looking at everything. Its the strongest right after you watch the movie, but parts of it will stick with you.

There was 2-3 others which I cant remember the names...oh the Invisible Etherical realm of the earth was a good one. I think Im gonna make a thread about this so we can have all the information and documentaries/movies in one place.
a dank movie collection thread.. that'd be helpful man. i've watched most of these kinds of movies and am having trouble finding new ones. people's additions could help with that greatly. Go for it brotha i recommend it :-P


Well-Known Member
Yea thts one of the worst possibilities. With all I've seen though, I just couldnt believe it. I have wrapped my mind around it, many, times, though.
Why is the idea of no afterlife so frightening? To me, it matters not. I live my life to the best of my abilities, loving everyone and everything around me so when I die, I may live on in what I perceive as the true afterlife. It isn't an extensional paradise, some soft cloud of euphoria cascading me across bliss for all eternity.

It's something more real, something more factual. You live on through the memories of those around you. They are cherished and remembered, and longed after. You live on in the hearts of man. Not within the hearts of our egotistically deformed prepubescent 'gods.'

God is as real as you make it, as real as people make it. It's up to you to use your own rational thought to come to these conclusions. This movie did make some interesting points, some I fundamentally agree with. However, don't take it for face value, do some research, some thought, delve deep inside yourself once you've refined your knowledge and craft your intellectual swords to cut down the questions you desire to truly cast aside, instead of covering them with a vale of cowardish lies. Expand your mind, and expand your heart and all you will see religion as is nothing greater or nothing lesser then any other of life's philosophies. Once that is apparent, you can re appreciate the beauty of religion, unorganized, personal and grounded logical ways of life. Once you appreciate this fact, the need for a 'beginning' and a need to believe in that to facilitate an answer to your 'end' becomes meaningless.