I thank i have a soil problem,I open bag and all was wet

my seed starter I got from Walmart was wet kinda soaked..i have the bag airing out for now butt would this kill all the shit in it since its been soaked for god knows how long...I had no idea when I was at the store and picked them up they where wet inside..

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I didn't know walmart sold any good dirt for weed. You will have to test it for us and let us know. I see a lot of professional greenhouses still using Pro Mix. Your soil may be alright. I have gotten plenty of wet pro Mix over the years, it happens.


Well-Known Member
Its fine . If anything just let it dry out a little so its not soaking wet and use it, you wont have to water them after you plant. Theres nothing in seed starter that you can kill.