I Think I am going to buy this.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice system for the price, tho I've never tried one, you will need a TDS meter to keep an eye on your ppm's and a PH meter, both are very important for that kind of system, any hydroponic nutes will work fine, it's up to you and how much you're willing to spend.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that you wont be finishing 4 plants in that system dood, really thats just a 4 clone DWC system then when they get big enough you transplant them to a larger DWC unit i.e. the same size as that but with one single netpot in the top to give your plant the space it needs to mature a good root system and = good growth/flowering.
I hope this helps and you did not rush out and buy that a little hasty, however if you did purchase this you can easily purchase or fashion yourself a lid that fits with a single larger netPot if you wanna be finishing plants in there. bongsmilie


Active Member
Well, i wasnt going to use that bucket
you see. i grow in a PC case. so i cant really use a BUCKET
but i was going to fashion somethiing into a rectangular shape and only have like 2 plants in it


Active Member
Check out my thread on my NL grow. My system is home made using parts from my local hardware store and pet store. I used it for many grows years ago and have just started again. Its cheap and works perfectly.
It would be perfect for your grow, just down size it a bit.

since I started growing again (13 years later) I'm really surprised I haven't seen anyone else using it. If your interested ill explain it exactly.


Active Member
Rubbermaid is your friend. They have a container for almost every size you can imagine and it's not very hard to cut out a hole for the net pot to fit in and another for your air hose. As far as nutrients go, I think you can use just about any of the usual suspects. I have run organic nutes in mine with no issues.

Don't cheap out on air pumps and air stones, more bubbles = healthier plants.