i think im baked....


Active Member
ok so like 25 secondes ago i was lighting my cigarette, the oly problem is that it was backwords..... i now have the wonderful taste of weed, tobacco (i just lit an other one) and cigarette filters in my mouth....

since this is kind of not a real thread, whats some funny / stupid shit you've done and are not proud of, while high....

that is some good weed.....

peace dudes!


Well-Known Member
hmm... ive hit it so hard ive puked, laughed so hard i peed, caught a scorpion, burned a shirt with the cherry of a black, etc... yeah im not proud of any of that. all of that happened when I was like 16 though


Well-Known Member
DUDE I smoked a whole cig backwards too when I was tripping once, I took like one hit and had this permanite disgusted look on my face. And mixed with my tripping face it was crazy lol and embarrassing, I just ran away and laid on the couch.

But stupid shit I've done high... Well, let me start at number 874,578,002. I once had to leave a restaurant because I was incoherently giggling at the waiter because she asked if I wantes a soup or salad, then I remembered the joke SUPER SALAD. So I tried to murmur, 'whats a super salad? :o ' But it came out as obnoxious laughter and I got kicked out :( laughing.


Active Member
the stupidest thing i have done high is probably hands down when i went to my first day of work at a new job in the wrong clothesss....shit they looked at me like what a fuc@i&* idiot...hahah good times and so much funnier to think about now than it was before i smoked this joint!


Well-Known Member
Lol i burned my versace sweater with the cherry :( it sucked haha
a funny story is when i had a friend that he said he had bob marleys lungs n we got some og kush like 3 gram phillie blunt n it was 4 heads
and that dude passed out in the street, rainining hahaha n i was just hittin the blunt n just staring at him