I think I'm in danger!

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Well-Known Member
1 if this guy was mafia then he would have paid you and laughed at the loss of money.. Most likely he is a big mouth ass hole ..
2. going after you would danger day to day operations if this guy is mafia related.
3.tell every one he doe's bad business fuck that guy..


Well-Known Member
What a douche. Trust me, the "luxury cars" aren't there to watch you. The disgusted looks on the faces of the drivers are because they think they are better than you.

For the douche 60 year old man who thinks it's ok to not pay on a debt, you should post his phone number if you have it. I'll call him.


Well-Known Member
Listen. The clownshoes in this thread are giving you bad advice. You have to return a fuck with a bigger fuck or you're going to be a fish your whole life. Rambo up on these muthasumthins and show them who they're dealing with. I strongly suggest freerolls and other hijinx. You can trust me. This is the internet, man.


Well-Known Member
Listen. The clownshoes in this thread are giving you bad advice. You have to return a fuck with a bigger fuck or you're going to be a fish your whole life. Rambo up on these muthasumthins and show them who they're dealing with. I strongly suggest freerolls and other hijinx. You can trust me. This is the internet, man.

Clownshoes....LOL! I agree about the fishy future. This is the point in your life where you decide if it's going to be fight or flight. Let your nuts drop. Give us some background on this guy so we can give some proper advice......... I mean, if this guy is your Gramps, I wouldn't tell you to straight kick him in the nuts, twist his head on his way down and piss on him as he's rolling around. But perspective is key.


Well-Known Member
You could also send a shit ton of pizzas to his house. It's Superbowl Sunday so they wouldn't bat an eye at someone ordering 30 pies. This is a good start for the fuckyoufest.


Well-Known Member
Dude's old just wait till Halloween . Paint his car in eggs .. he wont even remember you after a few months


Well-Known Member
had this homeless kid live with me one time and we were walking from store one day when some gangster's were talking shit but still walking. So this kid says he will be back.. So he follows the gangsters snow tracks to there apartment.. I guess he was carrying a screw driver with him. So he knocks on the door and surprised them ...
next day the kid jumps a train to cali.. end of story
This thread is about trying to resolve a respect issue between this fish and the Gambino Family. I appreciate a good shank tale as much as the next guy but this isn't the time or the place.


Active Member
money talks right? so his profession gives you an idea on what type of person he is. You need to have a big bankroll to even consider being a bookie. With that said, he could be a cool dude, og , retired, harmless. But all it takes is him giving the word. OR he could of straight played you, and he was never really a bookie in the first place.

All depends on where you from homie. Mike tysons get dropped quick in the hood, fuck around. Watch who your dealing with , dont underestimate anyone. If you bet 50 bucks let it ride, if you bet big, then you won big, so put up some money, squad up and go to war ! Be easy

Pat the stoner

New Member
Seriously bro , if you want to have less problems then leave it alone . I have family that take bets as far as I know pay when they owe . If theres a problem it aint nice intensive care shit . They will beat the persons balls off . Stop betting with those kind of people , before something really bad happens . I have seen some terrible things happen . One guy comitted suicide over that shit . I dont think he really did but no one saw anything , most people thought they might have killed the guy . How much money is involved makes a difference . Forget about that shit and watch your back . These people have a network of thugs who live to hurt people . If he is a big mouth then nothing will come of it .


Active Member
Jersey Shore got yall pumped !! that tough guy shit is played out ! Im too pretty to box with ya fools lol real talk


Well-Known Member
Again, more horrible advice. Grab an ice pick, a spatula and your phone and let's stab it up, flip it and twitpic that ass. These pacifists advising you to do nothing are probably getting a cut of your losses. Seriously, the time to fuck shit up is now. I believe in you. You pussy. DO IT!!!!1!!


Well-Known Member
Yea, that is why even if you are about business you do not run your lips, if you have money & don't play games you better have the mindset to be mature enough to keep it that way.. because the day you run into someone on the same shit, words will ruin peoples day over something very little. IMO most people who run there mouths are trying to intimidate someone, its the calm ones you have to worry about. If someone calls your bluff you better be able to react accordingly. >.>

that being said, if you do not Owe him money, I would not worry. Maybe he is just trying to have a penis measuring contest since you threatened him.


Well-Known Member
Jersey Shore got yall pumped !! that tough guy shit is played out ! Im too pretty to box with ya fools lol real talk
I don't speak idiot so I can't be positive, but I think this guy agrees with me. Let's do this! Gimme his number, I'll call him for you and get things rolling.


Well-Known Member
OK,So I bet money on a basketball game and I think I'm in some deep shit. My team won and the guy I bet with said "The didn't win motherfucker because I said so". I then told him "Motherfucker you've never come across someone like me guaranteed". Ever since then I've had luxury cars sitting around my neighborhood giving me dirty looks. Do you think it's possible I got into with a mafia member? The guy I bet with was 60+ years old. What do you think I should do?

I am not a gambler and know almost nothing about it, so take my advice for what it's worth.

The most appropriate response to the welching dill-hole would have been, "Well, everyone else agrees that my team won the game."

I doubt seriously you are dealing with a made man. An associate? Unlikely, but possible.

The fancy cars and the dirty looks are probably just your imagination. I mean; after all, what did you do? You won a bet, and responded to a deadbeat with an ill-advised show of bravado.

You are within your rights to call out the deadbeat at every opportunity. If he tries to muscle you or intimidate you, it's on him. He owes YOU.

But if it were me. I would just forget it. And never bet with a stranger again.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Sweet Jesus. Why not bake the guy a pie? Look, if you don't get tough, this guy is going to bitch slap you then pimp you down the block for cigs and koolaid. Trust me, you have to act now. Let 'er rip, tater chip.


Well-Known Member
Just tell him you're going to talk to the NEVADA GAMING COMMISSION ABOUT HIM. And tell him you know Oscar and Caroline Goodman personally.
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