Listen. The clownshoes in this thread are giving you bad advice. You have to return a fuck with a bigger fuck or you're going to be a fish your whole life. Rambo up on these muthasumthins and show them who they're dealing with. I strongly suggest freerolls and other hijinx. You can trust me. This is the internet, man.
had this homeless kid live with me one time and we were walking from store one day when some gangster's were talking shit but still walking. So this kid says he will be back.. So he follows the gangsters snow tracks to there apartment.. I guess he was carrying a screw driver with him. So he knocks on the door and surprised them ...
next day the kid jumps a train to cali.. end of story
If they are Gambinos you better move away , far like to another state .This thread is about trying to resolve a respect issue between this fish and the Gambino Family. I appreciate a good shank tale as much as the next guy but this isn't the time or the place.
Jersey Shore got yall pumped !! that tough guy shit is played out ! Im too pretty to box with ya fools lol real talk
Undetermined.OK,So I bet money on a basketball game and I think I'm in some deep shit. My team won and the guy I bet with said "The didn't win motherfucker because I said so". I then told him "Motherfucker you've never come across someone like me guaranteed". Ever since then I've had luxury cars sitting around my neighborhood giving me dirty looks. Do you think it's possible I got into with a mafia member? The guy I bet with was 60+ years old. What do you think I should do?