I think its the soil


So my clones have been in for about 6 days now, and starting about 36 hours ago a few of them started to yellow on the bottom leaves. Most of the leaves in all of the plants curl down toward the bottom. Maybe a day or two after planting the tips of a lot of leaves turned yellow and brown on the very tip. The local hydro guys said could be nutrient burn just wait it out and act if it gets worse.

Well things aren't getting much better. The soil I used is a 4:1 ratio of Amazon Bloom to FF Ocean Forest. I was told by the guy who designed the AB that it has a ton of nutrients packed in.

My initial watering was a partial watering, maybe 1/3 of a drenching, no food. Since then I have flushed once, should I flush again? Does flushing have any affect on soil-bound nutes? Is there more than nute burn here? Please help :-(

Link to setup


trichlone fiend

New Member
So my clones have been in for about 6 days now, and starting about 36 hours ago a few of them started to yellow on the bottom leaves. Most of the leaves in all of the plants curl down toward the bottom. Maybe a day or two after planting the tips of a lot of leaves turned yellow and brown on the very tip. The local hydro guys said could be nutrient burn just wait it out and act if it gets worse.

Well things aren't getting much better. The soil I used is a 4:1 ratio of Amazon Bloom to FF Ocean Forest. I was told by the guy who designed the AB that it has a ton of nutrients packed in.

My initial watering was a partial watering, maybe 1/3 of a drenching, no food. Since then I have flushed once, should I flush again? Does flushing have any affect on soil-bound nutes? Is there more than nute burn here? Please help :-(

Link to setup

...I'd stop everything and let them dry out first, before going any further.
...is the AB organic or ? ...time released?...I don't trust anyone that is trying to sell me anything! LOL, what's the N/P/K of the AB?


Active Member
In marijuana although soil is essential it DOESNT play an important role into the plant. You can use any type of soil and expect it to grow decently. Although, some is better than other, it doesn't play an important role, people grow it with mud. Ocean foreset shouldn't be used in the early stages - it may be that, however you cannot do anything about it now. It'll be good until your plants get bigger. GoodLuck!

trichlone fiend

New Member
In marijuana although soil is essential it DOESNT play an important role into the plant. You can use any type of soil and expect it to grow decently. Although, some is better than other, it doesn't play an important role, people grow it with mud. Ocean foreset shouldn't be used in the early stages - it may be that, however you cannot do anything about it now. It'll be good until your plants get bigger. GoodLuck!

^^^^^^^ WTF? ...anyone else reading this???? WOW! ....dude, do not listen to one single word this guy said.:wall:

trichlone fiend

New Member
well the product is here.

I've searched around and can't find N/P/K content but let me call the store and ask.

...it's organic, sounds like some good stuff too...loaded like the guy says.

...you got some shock goin on with your plants, for sure....the even yellowing throughout the whole plant reminds me of an overwatering I once had...let them dry a few days, see how they react.


Just called Greenfire, they said since it's organic they don't know the exact #'s. They also said wait it out...

Ok so I will let them dry a few days and see what happens and update. Thanks a lot for your help!

trichlone fiend

New Member
..no problem, and to explain what's goin on, IMO....your soils pH swings higher as the soil dries....the wetter your soil is the lower your pH will be......( Wikipedia ) = water passing through the soil leaches basic nutrients such as calcium and magnesium from the soil. They are replaced by acidic elements such as aluminium and iron. For this reason, soils formed under really wet conditions are more acidic than those formed under arid (dry) conditions.

...overwatering can also cause the soil at the bottom of the pot to turn to mush, and choak out your roots.

trichlone fiend

New Member
I have an inch of drainage rocks at the bottom, if that makes any difference..?

hmmm...really? ...what kind of rocks? Perlite? Hydroton? Silica? or...?

...you say you do ph balance your waterings?.... how do you check your ph? ...electronic meter? ....liquid ph test kit?

I use pure FFOF, and your AB soil sounds very similar to FFOF...so, the soil shouldn't be your problem, it's something else. Your using rocks for extra drainage/insurance across the bottom of your pots...so, overwatering may have just been ruled out.....what kind of light do you have them under?


The rocks are pretty much this.

And no we haven't tested water, i have just been using store bought gallons of spring water. The soil after watered measures a pH of 6.9 or 7.

Should I be balancing my water to bring that down?

They are under a 1000w HPS bulb in a Hyrdofarm Radiant6 reflector.. the light is about 3'6" above the plants


So the leaves arent getting any less yellow and more of the leaves are startnig to curl downwards. I would say a good 70% of them. The top most leaves do not bend down, though. Crap what do i do!? Could it be a sulfur deficiency or something?


Active Member
Trichlone are you demented, you can use dirt to grow marijuana, it DOESNT matter. Although, if you have good quality soil expect a good quality plant, but SOIL isnt an important deciding factor. Just shutup.


Well-Known Member
Trichlone are you demented, you can use dirt to grow marijuana, it DOESNT matter. Although, if you have good quality soil expect a good quality plant, but SOIL isnt an important deciding factor. Just shutup.
dirt = soil ... which is definitely a deciding factor ... lol


Active Member
Exactly, is dirt considered "high quality"? NO, but marijuana grows fine in it. Im not saying you cant grow marijuana without a form of soil but it doesnt matter the type.