I want a magazine


Well-Known Member
If it's such a million dollar idea, then finding an investor to cover the startup costs won't be an issue.
It's not as cut and dry as you say. Been in the publishing business myself, I've met HUNDREDS of individuals with original ideas. I've seen the bottom ends, and the top ends, the overhead costs, the reluctant "investor," the "crazy-Marc Cuban-like" investor. And from experience I can tell you, it is not that easy. But I would fill pages of experience if I told you the reasons for NOT going that route.

HIC, SELF-PUBLISH IS THE WAY OF THE FUTURE. I speak from hands-on experience.


Well-Known Member
By far a group effort. It could not happen any other way. I am no God I am a person. To think I could run a million dollar magazine subscription by myself would make you all look a little weird.lol


Glassblowing Moderator
ask mmmp report or buzz magazine or michigan medical marijuana magazine. They should be able to tell you. mmmm is the only one that charges for it so the other two would be better for info. Im friends with daniel from buzz magazine. he started the thing himself and only makes money off the advertisements. he is also the manager at lapeer hydro in lapeer, MI


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info dank. You know if I can get shit done your glass will be in the mix somewhere, if ya want it to be.

Every month show some pieces to all of MI.


Well-Known Member
A few months ago I was at Superior Growers and grabbed a copy of Cronic magizine.
Thinking back, I could swear it was either put out by, or had contributions from The Metro Times, although I
could wrong on that, I do know copies were free for the taking and it was loaded with Michigan clinics, dispensaries, and
other articals on our states MMJ program.
In fact, I saw an ad for the place in Walled Lake that got busted, I was going to stop by and get some cookies the friday
before they got raided.
A version of Cronic Mag also supports the Colorado Areas MMJ program.


Active Member
If you need any help with writing let me know. I actually write several reviews for random computer equipment for a few different websites. I would be more than willing to help out, or if you need a computer guy that's my full time profession.


Well-Known Member
good idea-

i'll run it through the head-o-tron.
Run It!... A magazine can be born that feeds the people with what they want in MI. We have enough growers, we got law drama, we got enough to work with in MI. We can make a magazine that outshines the others.


Well-Known Member
just scanned through real quick....did anyone mention the michigan medical marijuana magazine? i have a subscription to it.


Well-Known Member
Run It!... A magazine can be born that feeds the people with what they want in MI. We have enough growers, we got law drama, we got enough to work with in MI. We can make a magazine that outshines the others.
I like the idea man. I like to read a lot of news coverage on mmj in michigan so there's rarely an article that's reported which I have not seen and one thing I consistently notice is that 9 times out of 10 an article covering mmj is reported with a negative slant rather than from a non partisan objective perspective. Wtf happened to real reporting eh? I hate having to rely on the pot news websites to provide me with real reporting but more often than not, that's where I have to go so I think a michigan mmj trade mag would be a damn good idea for a reliable source of information and debate on the important issues at hand affecting mmma patients, caregivers, and medical providers. I mean everything from debating the issues to a growers section to a DIY section.....the ideas are limitless. I unfortunately do not know anything about the print business so my contribution to this thread I'm afraid is limited to ideas but I like where this is going. We're at ground zero!


Well-Known Member
So a little time has passed and I was wondering if we have the tools and or raw material yet for the idea?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Going to print tommorow, releasing issue one on 4/20 and millionaire by the years' end. It's that easy, 1 - 2 - 3 ....

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Please forgive my Satiricle approach.
I enjoy creative writing and perhaps I may be a good person to bounce ideas off if you begin to take the butt-load of steps required to approach a launch date. It sounds like a few folks here w talent may be able to help you w your vision.

I do not have a magazine in the works. How is yours? Have you been studying what works for all the other related magazines currently available? I'll guess that you should be prepared to capitalize this to the tune of five figures to start issue one. You need to have great writers w amazing features and mega distribution. I guess this could be done on a shoe-string budget if it was your number one passion. Good luck Hic.
I'll check back if you are serious about this vision.

PS - thought I may motivate you by jokingly implying I stoke your million dollar idea.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Now you've seen some rough drafts, at least four paragraphs. what do you really believe? I know how to hint at a story that may effect us all. We'll all look back and say, "..........


Well-Known Member
Why yes I did. Is it only an online magazine? I need to create a magazine the boys will take into the shitter. Real like hightimes. Lord knows it would even help out the economy in the area of publishing somewhere here in MI.

I did not look to long, I was planning on checking it out a bit more in a minute.

I think its a magazine is a awesome idea but due to lack of resources I'd be one to argue blogs are cheaper then magazines. At least to get something started, attract advertisers to the webpage, build up a savings account for the company and then invest in magazines at the right time.

and people are always on their phones in the bathroom. Cell phones have replaced the magazine in bathrooms all over the nation. So, easily accessible blog = most efficient way to get this off the ground and keep working towards a real print magazine. Hope it works out.