ICE is raping the kids they rip away from their parents


Well-Known Member
I had my front teeth knocked out in an actual fight which I WON
And I'm going to guess you aren't acting like you're a tough guy and actively seeking out other fights, and that it's partially because of that experience.

Actual fighting is only for the most dire of circumstances once you're about 21. Up to that point, I give a bit of a (personally biased) pass and a "boys will be boys" attitude about it.

I walked around with a chip on my shoulder and everything to prove, ready to square up with anyone when I was 19. 30 year old me would rather give you everything I have to avoid having to fight, but would literally kill 19 year old me if came down to it. Weird how that works.


Well-Known Member
i'll agree to deport them all once you agree to surrender yourself to prison for felony manufacture of an illegal narcotic

you never told me why it's necessary to inflict permanent trauma on an innocent child for their parents' misdemeanor border crossing or legal asylum seeking though, twopump

i'd say send me your address but you know i already have it from those videos where you videotaped other people's small children sucking on popsicles


Well-Known Member
they are literally raping 4 year old kids and threatening the mothers with deportation if they report it

This is trumps America

It will get worse. Trump is separating these kids from their families and funneling them to sex traffickers

This is the result of trump dehumanizing these families as “illegals” and “animals”

This is how the Nazis dehumanized the Jews as well
That’s because as I reported months ago they got the green light to hire 135k new ICE with backgrounds less than desirable.

So angry overweight rednecks are now the ICE force- dream come true for any Nazi.

Nazi Jobs! Nazi Jobs! Nazi Jobs!


Well-Known Member
i'll agree to deport them all once you agree to surrender yourself to prison for felony manufacture of an illegal narcotic

you never told me why it's necessary to inflict permanent trauma on an innocent child for their parents' misdemeanor border crossing or legal asylum seeking though, twopump

i'd say send me your address but you know i already have it from those videos where you videotaped other people's small children sucking on popsicles
Jesus Buck, have you ever thought of a career in Private Investigation?


Well-Known Member
And I'm going to guess you aren't acting like you're a tough guy and actively seeking out other fights, and that it's partially because of that experience.

Actual fighting is only for the most dire of circumstances once you're about 21. Up to that point, I give a bit of a (personally biased) pass and a "boys will be boys" attitude about it.

I walked around with a chip on my shoulder and everything to prove, ready to square up with anyone when I was 19. 30 year old me would rather give you everything I have to avoid having to fight, but would literally kill 19 year old me if came down to it. Weird how that works.
I feel the same way anymore. No point t in fighting. Always just ends in more troubles


Well-Known Member
There are internal documents showing that 91% of the parents that have had their kids taken from them are first time entry misdemeanor offenders.


Well-Known Member
No you daft cunt... I want them ALL deported. Wait how you going to shoot me after you lefty cunts relinquish all your guns?

I never heard a Democrat say take their guns away, But I did hear the King say that, Quote We will just Take all their guns.
I did hear them say that they wanted to get them out of hands of Crazy unstable people, but never take them away like Trumps said he was going to do.


Well-Known Member
Please tell me why it is necessary to put your family in danger and pay narco terrorists to illegally cross into America
Don't you mean going to School, and Name one time someone other than an American that Killed people in the U.S.
Trump wanted to take your guns, don't you remember him says Just take em away from everyone. Huh.
The law says People can come and seek asylum " LEGALLY" and now they're locking Children up for a misdemeanor Kind of harsh wouldn't you Say ?
The old Saying Two wrongs Don't make it right. If someone calls you a name do you have to get bent or just try and deflect that and come up with a better view.
Which Taking babies away from their Mothers isn't. Period.....