Ice Wash Hash


Active Member
Hey folks, havin some difficulty here, maybe someone can help.

I've been making hash using the ice, and water technique, and it works great, but after the hash dries, it goes hard.....and I mean hard Jack!

Has anyone heard of anything I can use to mix with it to keep it softer, and not get like a brick of cement.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
get a rolling pin and crush it down, then chop it with a butcher knife like some nose candy. If you have a bunch just throw it in a blender and pulverize it.


Well-Known Member
warm it up and work it like taffy. the more you work it the softer it will get. you have to use a little heat. i put it in my palm and blow on it with a hair dryer or heat gun. keeping it in your hand prevents overheating. warm it up and twist it, fold it, smash it over and over itself. :)

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
warm it up and work it like taffy. the more you work it the soft it will get. you have to use a little heat. i put it in my palm and blow on it with a hair dryer or heat gun. keeping it in your hand prevents overheating. warm it up and twist it, fold it, smash it over and over itself. :)
he's not making a sword:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah just warm it up. I have the same stuff from my blender hash and yeah it gets hard as hell but just warm it.