Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

Peeps are easier take with a little THC in the system! Add some alcohol and I can tolerate most of the assholes!

ROFLMAO!! It's funny how that works isn't it?

I'm really enjoying the A51 led's. I know the Bay11 gals are lovin it too. I'm gonna try to post some pics up later of my garden. Take er easy everyone. Peace & Love. Myco
Gods, I went through like 12 weeks with no herb o_O I know exactly where you're coming from. SUUUUUCCCKKKSSS not getting a minute of sleep either, and when you do you dream so vividly you might as well not have.

One thing though... I was really looking forward to all these Sativas, right. So after not toking for that long, I can't friggin handle sats any more, not the strong ones. All of a sudden I like my Indies better. Interesting and unexpected side effect that was.

Myco, time for a new thread perhaps! New room, new lights, new genes, new year and alla that ;)
Hey guys. I'm excited to see your pics Myco. I'll get back to that PM bro. I really appreciate every word of it. It's so great to see you Pros. I'm so afraid to puff on what I have without a tolerance. This shit is so strong that I think I'll chill for awhile. Everything I have has some level of sat in it. I'm so fucking stupid right now that I forget what the crosses are. It's kinda like I have forgotten to speak my language. Very strange. If anyone is a noob on this site it is me. :dunce: Take care guys.
I used to love Sat's more myself, but I think I'll be growing more indies in the future. I'm also gonna put my tent back up soon, and grow in that as well. I think I'll commit it to a grow of Miss Colombia, the strain has always intrigued me.
I've thought about starting a new thread a thousand times, I guess I should, but i love the couple of people who come in here, and not many assholes have ever come in, LOL. I like the tight knit group, and would hate to mess that up. I just really need to get around on the boards more, and be more social myself, I think.
I know I've promised pics a thousand times now, and haven't delivered, but I have some! No crap, I have pics. I was posting 20 a day, and had you guys probably sick of em, LOL.
Alright, fuck me, RIU won't let me upload pics. :wall: I swear, I'll get em up soon. It's just a couple pics of my OBR gal, and the Bay11's. Oh well.

I'll be back later, and I'll get those pics up. Till then, have a blessed day folks. Peace & Love. Myco
Good work man. I been busy as well and can't wait to show off my new space. I'm going to go spend $350 on a epic reflector to see how my 1000w hortilux likes it. So how do you like the a51s , what would be a good guess at a foot print be, I'm looking at trying new things. I'm prob going to get rid of my sunblaze48 t5. Keep it up. Can't wait to see pics. I'll be busy this weekend and have some pics on my thread so come check it out if you could . I think we both come a long way since we started chatting but you always been a greenthumb. Peace out man
Nice to see you as always May. I would give the led's a big thumbs up so far. I guess the real test will be in flowering, but I think they're gonna do just fine for me. Glad to hear you've been busy upgrading, not that you really needed it, but it's always a lot of fun getting new gardening tools. I would kill to have your amount of space May.
I keep trying to upload these stupid pics, and RIU just won't let me. Not sure what's up with that. Take er easy everyone. I'll come back later. Peace & Love. Myco
One more try.

My OBR Goddess!


A couple of my Bay11's.

Thank You Slipon for reminding me of the basic uploader option. I tend to just want to do things one way, very much a creature of habit. Thank you everyone for keeping the thread alive. Anyone should feel free to post any pics they have, we all love Bud Porn, right. I'll have more pics soon.
Just to let everyone know, I hate the friggin cold, and it's 2 degrees today where I live. I feel like I'm in Frosty's asshole. Piss on this snow, and cold!!!!
Anyways, have a great day everyone, keep warm. Peace & Love. Myco
One more try.
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My OBR Goddess!

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A couple of my Bay11's.

Thank You Slipon for reminding me of the basic uploader option. I tend to just want to do things one way, very much a creature of habit. Thank you everyone for keeping the thread alive. Anyone should feel free to post any pics they have, we all love Bud Porn, right. I'll have more pics soon.
Just to let everyone know, I hate the friggin cold, and it's 2 degrees today where I live. I feel like I'm in Frosty's asshole. Piss on this snow, and cold!!!!
Anyways, have a great day everyone, keep warm. Peace & Love. Myco

And heeee's baaaaack :) Looks like it's kickin' in there and getting ready to stink it up! BOOOOM!
And heeee's baaaaack :) Looks like it's kickin' in there and getting ready to stink it up! BOOOOM!

You're so fuckin awesome Hamish!
I already have a 4x12in Phat filter kickin to no avail. I'll have to hook up my bigger 6in filter very soon. The OBR smells like purple pie pr something, and the Bay11's smell like purple pepper, that almost burns the nose a bit. I have a male OBR in there that smells so fuely purple dank, from a flick of the stem, that he's getting crossed into everything. Hell, why not. I've never had a male you could smell in a room full of females from a hard flick. Forget about rubbing him, you just don't have to. If you do the whole room smells like him, no bullshit.
Peace & Love. Myco
I now have my garden running 12/12. Took a while, and a bit of $, and B.S., but it's done. Unfortunately, the CJH got away from me, and I had to take clones to start over. I tried to get her to a manageable height, and the stalk split BAD. I cut my losses, and cut some clones, no biggie. I have my 4 Bay11's, OBR female, and male, and a SleeSkunk female. I Xplanted the SS into a 5gal container today. I'll start watching the male very closely, trimming off any balls I don't want. Just call me L. Bobbit. Some of you will get that.
Tomorrow morning @ 4:20 my garden wakes up for flowering the first time. I love symbolism, so I worked it over time to be on, and now off @ 4:20. I know, I'm weird.
More pics tomorrow. Have a blessed day everyone. Peace & Love. Myco
I now have my garden running 12/12. Took a while, and a bit of $, and B.S., but it's done. Unfortunately, the CJH got away from me, and I had to take clones to start over. I tried to get her to a manageable height, and the stalk split BAD. I cut my losses, and cut some clones, no biggie. I have my 4 Bay11's, OBR female, and male, and a SleeSkunk female. I Xplanted the SS into a 5gal container today. I'll start watching the male very closely, trimming off any balls I don't want. Just call me L. Bobbit. Some of you will get that.
Tomorrow morning @ 4:20 my garden wakes up for flowering the first time. I love symbolism, so I worked it over time to be on, and now off @ 4:20. I know, I'm weird.
More pics tomorrow. Have a blessed day everyone. Peace & Love. Myco

HAHAHA! lights on at 4:20, BRILLIANT :) Yeah chop them little Bobbies just make sure you throw them far enough so nobody tries to stick 'em back on ROFL. Franken Nanas.
Run....Here comes Franken Nanner!!!!!!! :lol:

Yea, this is a stoner forum, LOL. I found something very interesting today, a single pistil coming out of what I thought was a premature set of balls on my #1 pheno of OBR. It's a girl, holly balls!!!!!! It seems this is the year of good fortune, and girls for Myco. WOOOHOOO! One night of 12/12, and she kicked pistils when she just couldn't on a longer light schedule, friggin killer. This also means, I'm out a male for my breeding, but I can live with that right now. I do however need to find a suitable male again. It also means that I get to flower the stinkiest, dankest plant I've ever come across, not a bad trade if you ask me. I think I need to wear my glasses more often in the garden. I don't know how I fucked the pooch on that one, but I did. I feel pretty dumb, I neglected the plant, and now she's way behind the other pheno. Not much I can do about it now except get her in a much larger container, and baby her. It's amazing how much working with a plant can do for it's growth, and happiness. I'll show you what I mean.
DSCF2308.jpgProperly worked, and trained.
DSCF2307.jpgNot so much.

Plants love to be touched, and trained. I'm completely convinced of that. Don't worry, she's already in a much larger container, and tied up correctly now. What can I say, thought it was a guy, but now "Dude looks like a lady".
I also flattened my Bay11 canopy a little. It's a real PITA to train clones after they start with the uneven growth. Not impossible, but it seems you're always pulling a higher node down on top of another node you're trying to get to grow up, and even with the canopy. Oh well. Here are some more pics I took today.
DSCF2301.jpgYep, that's a pistil.:dunce:
DSCF2289.jpgSleeSkunkDSCF2291.jpgOBR#2 The GoddessDSCF2293.jpgBay11DSCF2303.jpgAll the Bay11's.

Have a blessed day folks. Peace & Love. Myco
Just feelin it.
Don't worry Hamish, I own the album bro.

:peace: Myco
I got more pics today. I like having the time to share my grow again. I also really enjoy the everyday gardening routine again too, it's the only time of day I have complete peace. It's so damn cold here, I haven't been running my inline at all. On the contrary, I'm running the heater all the time. Weird for me with all the tent growing I've been doing. I'm gonna get busy in the room this weekend, and run some wood on my ceiling so I don't have to rely on the beams to hang my lights. Thanks for the poke Slip! I should have my led's a little farther from each other. I'm also gonna do a couple of 12/12fs fems. I should have them going by Monday. I have the space, and lighting, might as well use it. So, here's the pics.
DSCF2309.jpgSleeSkunk on left OBR#1 on right
DSCF2317.jpgBay11 patch
DSCF2319.jpgBay11 patch, higher angle.

It's been so cold the one Bay11 already has a butt load of color coming out, including pink. The others have purple on alot of the lowers. I really like the bigger OBR pheno, but the smaller one is soooo dank smelling. She smells like someone drowned a blueberry pie with some kind of lemon cleaner or something. She's quite interesting, and I'm sure her scent will develop further. I'll fill you guys in on what I'm popping for the 12/12fs run. Right now, I'm not 100% sure. Probably some indica. After I get my tent sorted out, I'll get the Miss Colombia rockin.
Have a great weekend everyone. :peace: Myco
Looking badass brother! I am loving getting back into tents to be honest. So easy to control and positive photon prisons, I mean nothing gets wasted at all. Also pretty cool ditching the mag ballasts lol. Finally. BUT I bet they will be there even after nuclear war, those things are indestructible. But these electronic ones are BRIGHT. And not even on super lumens yet. Thinking of getting a 1000 and playing with dual spectrum a bit. Little things are so light and so tiny!!!! Keep well bro, can't wait to watch things change as flowering gets going. Exciting timeS!!!
I always liked growing in my tent, but I have an older model, and it only opens from the front. That was always a pain in the dick, you know. I'll get the tent back up, and going again soon.
I'm gonna go with some freebie seeds for my 12/12fs. It's gonna be CC~Original Sour Diesel, H.S.O.~Sour Diesel#2, and Female Seeds~Purple Maroc. These were all freebies from Attitude at one time or another. Haven't ordered from them in a while now, I hate getting my seeds ripped by customs. Anyways, it's all free meds in the end. I haven't had Sour D in a very long time, should be refreshing. 9-10 weeks from now, we'll see.

Time to get....
Looking badass brother! I am loving getting back into tents to be honest. So easy to control and positive photon prisons, I mean nothing gets wasted at all. Also pretty cool ditching the mag ballasts lol. Finally. BUT I bet they will be there even after nuclear war, those things are indestructible. But these electronic ones are BRIGHT. And not even on super lumens yet. Thinking of getting a 1000 and playing with dual spectrum a bit. Little things are so light and so tiny!!!! Keep well bro, can't wait to watch things change as flowering gets going. Exciting timeS!!!
I loved changing up my mightymags for the electronic ballast. They run both MH & HPS, plus the added benefit of being able to change your wattage, friggin priceless. I actually have a magnetic ballast that has a switch, and will run both MH & HPS, but it's just a little 400 watter. I would like to get that in my grow room, and put the 600W back in the tent asap. Kind of a waste having the 600 in the room, but only running on 400. The six is better utilized in my taller tent I think. Especially when I start the Miss Colombia.

Great pictures of your new grow space Myco. Everything is looking really good including the plants, congrats!
Thanks for checking in Pros, always good to see you bro. I was over my friends house who has the Volcano, I love that thing more, and more every time I get to use it. I do have to say though, I'll never put my Elements rolling papers away. Rolling lots of joints all the time keeps the arthritis at bay, LOL.

Thanks for helping keep some life in the thread boys. Peace & Love. Myco
Another day another update. I thinned out the Bay11's this morning, and I checked on the seeds I started soaking last night, and all 3 sank. I'll be loading up some 3gal containers for those today. I don't wait to see tap usually, but I think I will with these. My flower room can be cool at night, and I want to give these beans the best chance at life. After I spread the led's out to spec, I'll have more than enough room for the Sour D's, and Purple M.
The OBR#2 is just a massive bush, I really like this pheno. I just wish she had more smell to her, but it might come out heavier in flower, thumbs crossed. Her structure is beautiful though, I was able to train her into something I'm really proud of. Not a ML, just heavy topping, and a lot of pinching, and a supercrop or two here, and there. I also have quite a bit of lowers up in the canopy as well. This plant loves the light, but seems to want to make an even canopy. She just needs you to smack her around a bit, and impose your will on her. :twisted:
The SleeSkunk is doing great. I've heard good things about this strain, and can't wait to make some concentrates with her if all is true. I'll tell you guys right now, I'm never running out of Dank again. It sucks buying meds!
Anyways, here are some pics I took earlier.


OBR#! on right & SleeSkunk on left

Bay11 Clone

Same clone, but a better look at the canopy after a good pruning.

Bay11 patch after the cleaning.

Should kick out a decent amount of meds for me. I think the OBR#2 will also be a nice return on meds as well. After I run the different OBR pheno's a couple of times, and get a better understanding of what they like, I'll get even better returns from them. I think the #1 pheno could do better with more attention paid to her. I can't wait to train that stinky bitch into a huge bush next run. I'm going to clone the SleeSkunk today. I know I should have before the 12/12 flip, but I didn't have enough room. It should be fine.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Stay warm.
:peace: Myco
My seeds are already opening up. The CC Original SourD already has her tap hanging out, and the FS Purple Maroc has cracked open, and is in the process of putting her tap out. The HSO SourD#2 Hasn't opened yet, but it's not surprising as it's not even been 24 hrs. I'll get the OSD into soil before the days out, and maybe the PM if she looks ready. The SD#2 will hopefully be tomorrow.
On another bright note, I found all the containers I always keep trim in before making oil. Inside was a beautiful sight for some dank needing eyes. A crap ton of gold dust that feels like sand almost. Scooped a bunch up, and heated up the Ti nail, and took a huge hit. :shock: Iced Grapefruit all the way, I know that flavor! What a great end to the week.
Take er easy folks, I'm gonna go watch my baby kick the shit out of my wife, LOL. :leaf: Myco