Ideas and ways of ordering seeds online

I would say obviously use a pre paid card, but i need help on doing this properly people...I need to get some good seeds...For people who have ordered in the U.S. what works for you? Please help and also thanks to everyone who has responded to my posts too...Smoke like a chimney 420....:leaf:


Order from Attitude seed bank. I Used my debit card, mailed to my home. No Problems whatsoever. Just don't buy tons of seeds.


bud bootlegger
i think prepaid cards are a waste of time as you have to register the card with your real name and ssn to get it to work out of the country..
i just use my visa debit card and have never had a problem doing so..
i've used any and all of the following places and always get what i paid for... in no order..
sannies seed shop
the attitude seedbank
irievibe seedbank
growshop alien
canna collective
single seed centre
herbies pick and mix
hemp depot
dr greenthumbs
sensible seed
sea of seeds
dr chronic
montreal seedbank
kingston seeds 420
peak seeds.bc
seed boutique
the seed depot
edit, aka, everyone does
bc bud depot
planet skunk
weed world magazine
and a few others as well.. :)


Well-Known Member
use your debit card and it comes up as attitude incorp and thats it they send it to you with w/e freebie you get easy as fuck. buy a shirt and its going to get to you. speaking of those shirts such but at least you get the seed/s


Well-Known Member
Most pre paid cards have to be registered before they will work for international purchases. Money order is the way to go. It will only add a few more days to the ordeal, but well worth the security. I have heard too many horror stories of people getting their CC #'s ripped off and you don't want to leave a paper trail !!


Active Member
Prepaid cards just ask you to fill out certain information. I bought from attitude the first time with a prepaid card and used the name Johnny Chan (LOL) worked out fine for me. BTW the prepaid card was a birthday gift, i didnt even buy it. One of the best gifts ive gotten, free $100 worth of seeds :)