Identifying Sex


Active Member
I've had this plant in veg for close to 12 weeks. I potted from a jiffy into a 3 gallon pot so growing was really slow but has rapidly grown the last 3 weeks. I've read that if plants are in veg for an extended period they can show their sex without going into flowering cycle. I've noticed some pistel type growths. Is this what below photo shows and is it a female or can you only truly tell when you flip the lights.Indoor grow in small cupboard. Any input appreciated. 20190111_090240.jpg 20190111_090240.jpg 20190111_103727.jpg


Active Member
Your picture does not show me either male or female.
Female pre flowers will have tiny white hairs, and the male will have balls.
Fingers crossed man. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Cheers. Since its 12 weeks old can I keep it in veg to reveal sex as I want to bulk it out a bit more or do I need to flip for sex then back to veg. I've read sex can be revealed with extended period in veg. First ever grow so all new to me.


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Staff member
Cheers. Since its 12 weeks old can I keep it in veg to reveal sex as I want to bulk it out a bit more or do I need to flip for sex then back to veg. I've read sex can be revealed with extended period in veg. First ever grow so all new to me.
Those are stipules. You may not see sex until you see alternating nodes. If you don't see it then snip a sucker, put it in a cup of water under 12/12.


Active Member
I'll try the sucker option, do I cut at a node? Also should I trim any of the fan leaves off as shown below. Cheers for all the feedback20190111_090245.jpg


Active Member
Yes it can be revealed in veg, but to really know for sure you need to flip it. Veg as long as you want. Just remember that it could easily double in height from the day you flip it till harvest. Soo it's really up to the grow area you are using (height) , that will determine when you should flip.
Are you only doing the one plant?
And personally I would trim some of the lower down fans, getting pretty thick down there. Just don't go overboard.


Active Member
Yep only one plant from some unknown seed I was given. Thought I try just one for a start and cross my fingers for a female.