Idiosyncrasies & Drugs: How Drugs are Adopted into Society!


Well-Known Member
This thread has certain aspects of how drugs play a role in society... some facts were taken from publications and their are also personal standpoints in which I postulated from those readings.

To is not for the novice reader but someone who has done research on a more deeper level and might give some crucial viewpoints of their own.


Temple of the True Inner Light (Church in which advocated this drug as a means of divination)
Someone, sometime, should write an essay on contemporary religions, as to why DPT has flown, why peyote forever struggles, and LSD and marijuana have bombed out, when tied to religion. Is there something about a faith being an "approved" religion? Who gives his approval? Who decides the applicability of the first amendment which explicitly states that, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Sections of the Old and New Testament are re-examined and found to contain many references to psychedelics. A Temple member, Michael Hoana, says (in Spirit Magazine, No.6, June/July 1997), "this religion, the true religion, is not something that started in the '60s. If you look at the scriptures, the Bible, there are certain things like oil and unctions, that teach people, that teach directly. What can that possibly be? If it is an oil that is teaching you something then we are obviously talking about something that was extracted from a plant...there is the presence bread. Why would somebody call something 'presence' bread? They mention a living spirit in it and that is obviously not wheat. And to actually say that this is food from heaven, they can only be talking about a psychedelic".


Its use as an anesthetic was discontinued in the early 1970s. A theory that ethylene inhalation may have played a role in divinatory ceremonies at Delphi in Classical Greece received popular press attention in the early 2000s, yet has not been conclusively proven.


“THE INTENSITY OF METHADONE WITHDRAWAL IS JUST TOO MUCH! I COULD NEVER DO IT… “ This was taken from an actual except from a heroin addict who admitted that methadone was much more of a harder habit to break than heroin. If this was meant to break the habit how is it a harder habit to break? This at all circumstances does not make any valid sense. This is a maintenance treatment just to keep up the habit… to prolong it, not actively breaking the cycle altogether. There is much debate to be risen for a resource that is of no resolve. It’s a pain for the novelce junkie not a solution and something greater has to come of this… a defeat is not at hand just a gradual surrender. Is there a solution, or just a hidden agenda for the use and treatment of heroin addicts?

Cummalitive knowledge derived from “user reports”- I notice that many people refer to this psychedelic to have qualities like mdma… usually in body high and a high eclectic feeling. The properties of the psychedelic seem to carry more of a stimulant body load much like mdma… but with an psychoactive clarity…. The negative effects seem very dormant… no nasty after effects like mdma. This could possibly be a great substitute for mdma in low amounts such as 20mgs. This substance being held still at its early stages as a research psychoactive chemical is regarded by many users as the epitome of a psychedelic.
Reported by an user that the taste of this substance is much tolerable than other phenthylamines or tymtamine… much like mdma but less bitter. All reports were of good standing with this substance… although one report the user refers to the substance as “ beginners guide to all other psychoactives…” it seems as though he refers highly of mdma. He may not be type of who enjoys psychoactives. More of an empathogen type of guy… it lacks the feeling and only provides more of a rigid enhancement to color as referred to him. In my opinion, I am disregarding this report because it seems to carry no entailed reason as to why this is a “phony substance” that has no underlying reasons to reveal potential effects of the mental psyche. The effects of the drug seem very similar to 5-meo-mipt… another methoxy analog. The very weak effects seem to resemble 5-meo-mipt but nothing other… very low threshold psychedelic much like a big mood booster but with no visual side effects of psychedelic headspace. At low does 10mg to 40mgs 5-meo-dipt have no interesting effects… just again a nice body high that seems like it’ll lead to something better but rides the same way for the next couple of hours. This could be a booster for another analog or it might be more enjoyable or interesting at higher doses like mescaline. Mescaline doesn’t manifest fully until its reaches its 100mgs of range. It seems like most users are trying to use this supplement as an aphrodiasic for sex related dialogue… most of it is too entertaining to capture a sexual preference… and at the 50mg range it makes the high too lazy to move around and perform such activity.
This substance seems to carry some resilence a particular fundamental to psilocin characteristics… its downgrading of a chemical is almost similar… it carries a good harmony with the body and its afterglow is quite remarkable. But the substance doesn’t carry a particular fondness in TIKHAL’S entry. In psychotherapy this agent was seen to have more a psycholytic attempt to therapy as opposed to a psychedelic approach which induces more a high dose administration to confront or order out the condition. The psycholytic approach is something that is administered in several occasions at the same dose… to repeat the experience would be to slowly uncover the psyche and may open up different levels that were unattainable at first look glance. The psycholyctic treatment seems more important for 4-ho-det because it is more suitable for body conditions… as higher doses carry a variety of negative effects that LSD doesn’t encounter at higher doses. CZ-74 was the concoction administered to man… is this the lab code name?

Some of the notes form a stream of consciousness and is concocted to stimulant the readers view.

I would love to hear of some great psychonaut mindframes!

*The work and findings are still in work, will update periodically.


Well-Known Member
To add some rocket fuel to this thread lets dissect some of the key points in this paragraph and razzle-dazzle them up...

Why has DMT become more mainstream than DPT? Their are several accounts that say DPT is more of the majestic and less hardnock than DMT.. IT has been noted that DPT has been used in church sarcaments as the the Churgh of the True Inner Light? Has anyone come across this church. I would personally love to visit their headquarters ;)

Is anyone on methadone on the moment?... AND why is that treatment centers prescribe an alternative that in fact is far more harder to kick then herion... it is a scheme of sorts?

Do certain attitudes or social groups pick a certain substance due to the way it interacts with their body... some people are more susceptible to pick up certain habits then others... some people become addicted to herion, coke, marijuana (used marijuana is an addiction no matter how much you want to agrue against it), speed... is it a predisposed disposition?


Well-Known Member
I would say the answer to your question is simply that DMT is more available... widely distributed in the plant kingdom, all over the globe.
All one needs to access it is the desire, you will have to break no laws except the ones you do in your own home in pulling your extracts.
Eitherway, I do not think it is realy sustainable as a ready made product... 5meo-DMT is diffirent as it tends to face less legal uphills and is actualy available in synthetic form on the commercial market.

That being said, I doubt DMT will ever become mainstream... at least in freebase form.
Simply because of just how far it transports you, and with how little warning. You are at peak at 60 seconds, and its more visualy intense than all the psycedilics you've taken in your life placed on a needle tip.

But each psycedelic is so diffirent there is so much nuance in things in which people like our parents have only the crudest terms to describe, even in rational conversation.

Acid halucinations tend to by and large be distortions of reality, or alternatives even. Things like mountains looking diffirent, curtains and walls breathing, lights in the perhipheral vision, it can also make an instant scene of some real world things... I once was looking at the tar from between my legs with my head lieing on my arms. The next moment the scale of everthing changed and the tar stones transformed into a charging mass of traditional zulu warriors as wide as the "eye" can see. But, these are still just open eyed aberations/distortions. WHILE YOU ARE FELLING ABSOLUTELY NUTS

Shrooms tend to upgrade our close range visual aquity for a while so things allready look more trippy as you suddenly notice normaly almost unperceptial grain in items relatively close (think of brick paveing under your feet)
Then at higher doses it becomes a small step cousin of DMT, with you actualy starting to see through walls and floors into other spaces (dimensions), It can also do a pretty awesome closed eye halucination. WHILE YOU FEEL SLIGTLY CONFUSED

Then there are cacti, wich shoot you for a short bursts into a visionary way of seeing things or alternative realities, but it may feel like you are away for months. FEELING PRETTY NUTS TOO

And my fave, well its actualy a toss up with LSD, the diffirence is I can still handle DMT. Body too broken for acid.
DMT, is like a hijack of your visual cortex, with your brain feeling like it is trying out every colour of imagination, Highly organised/inteligent visions of things that makes milkdrop plugin for winamp look like a first grader's drawings. And then it has an even deeper level, where you may find yourself interacting with being like you are unable to imagine or sometimes plain old grey aliens. (erm yep they sometimes try to abduct you just fooking open your eyes and don't let them in) and chase them away if they try to follow you into the consensual world. The elves are ok though, if a little sad. My one friend persitantly visits a fairy :) . AND YOU ARE AS SANE AS THE DAY IS LONG THROUGHOUT... its just like you were in a room somewhere one moment, and the next you are faced with the unimaginable awesomeness sometimes so forein and strange to get you terrified.


Well-Known Member
Outstanding post ANC...

I may second the notion, "ANC is GOD" ;)

Now, I am looking for distinct moods on drugs... why certain ones become popular and others are slid under the rug.


Well-Known Member
Do people find that certain times of the season have a greater appreciation of a certain psychedelic or extensuates their urge for a drug?


Active Member
skimmed to read later but an interesting point that in a passage in exodus there's a line about anointing the ark of the covenant with an oil and if I remember write the word is kanah bosm , which I read is similar to the arabic word for pot ...and shit drop the m and pronounce it... God knew what to put on his ark...only the best hemp oil!


Well-Known Member
oh well I think the bible also talks of an oil that teaches directly... now what could that be...
Or hows about the ark being made from acasia...DMT containing tree.

I'm afraid in the west and countries under the burden of the neo colonial west's policies, we no longer have the knowledge to keep us safe.

Your parents probably know nothing about drugs, they can't advise you between good and bad drugs. We have noone to turn to except for the propaganda filled press.
So, someone smokes pot, and what do you know, they don't go stark raveing mad, most people would classify the effects as less than those of drinking beer.
Now you start to think, hmmmmm, if they lied to me about that, what else did they lie about.... Wonder what crack is like?
And so starts many lives down to the gutter.

Lies told with the intention of protecting our children send them to early graves.

Idealy I think its better to put off trying drugs till later in life or not take them at all unless it is to treat a medical issue at the time of ingestion.


Well-Known Member
oh well I think the bible also talks of an oil that teaches directly... now what could that be...
Or hows about the ark being made from acasia...DMT containing tree.

I'm afraid in the west and countries under the burden of the neo colonial west's policies, we no longer have the knowledge to keep us safe.

Your parents probably know nothing about drugs, they can't advise you between good and bad drugs. We have noone to turn to except for the propaganda filled press.
So, someone smokes pot, and what do you know, they don't go stark raveing mad, most people would classify the effects as less than those of drinking beer.
Now you start to think, hmmmmm, if they lied to me about that, what else did they lie about.... Wonder what crack is like?
And so starts many lives down to the gutter.

Lies told with the intention of protecting our children send them to early graves.

Idealy I think its better to put off trying drugs till later in life or not take them at all unless it is to treat a medical issue at the time of ingestion.
Insightful, brilliant!

The ark made of wood containing dmt... NOAH was on good one then!

That rainbow in the sky must of been wondrous!


New Member
The only real addiction that should be counted for a substance is physical addiction. Otherwise everything should be considered addicting. IDK


Well-Known Member
Addictions are the bane of my life... I have so many

Meat, don't have to have it every day, but I can only stand so much chicken and fish... but my life would be dreary without meat.
Coffee, not even neccesarily caffeine, I drink Jakobs Day and Night decaf (casue it tastes so fuggin great)
Coke, the type you drink. Outside of coke and coffee there are no drinks I realy like. (I'll have the odd glass of juice)
Cannabis, I have a physical addiction to it, I don't care what people say. (allthough it does not compare to chemical dependance)
Cigarrettes, not even nicotene it would seem, as I've been smokeing the 0.1mg shit for the past two months and I still gotta have them.

The Revised Standard Version (RSV) has "they shall make an ark of acacia wood," Exodus 25:10

You shall make upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle….[Exodus 26:15]

The table on which the Bread of the Presence was placed was made of gold-covered acacia.

"And you shall make a table of acacia wood; two cubits shall be its length, a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height. You shall overlay it with pure gold, and make a molding of gold around it. And you shall make around it a frame a handbreadth wide, and a molding of gold around the frame. And you shall make for it four rings of gold, and fasten the rings to the four corners at its four legs. Close to the frame the rings shall lie, as holders for the poles to carry the table. You shall make the poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold, and the table shall be carried with these. And you shall make its plates and dishes for incense, and its flagons and bowls with which to pour libations; of pure gold you shall make them. And you shall set the bread of the Presence on the table before me always." (Exodus 25:23-30 KJV)



Well-Known Member
Has anyone watched the HISTORY channel? this is the motive in which my point of influence is heading.. maybe this thread would of worked more on the topic of philosophical drug taking ;)


Well-Known Member
Is it that are body is chemically made up of drug responses on a daily basis... a drug to make us sleep, wake, eat etc.. everything has a stimulus, now folks whats your stimilus ;)
Ummm, I smoked weed first. Fell in love with it. Then I started to drink, sorry Marijuana lovers :-), but I like to drink more! :-) Then I tried a cigarette, hated it. Then there were various explorations within these substances like Hash, cigars, different forms of alcohol. I like all forms of Cannabis. Pretty much all forms of Alcohol. I like cigars. Pipe tobaccos cool. Then I was introduced to Magic Mushrooms. :-) The rest is history isn't it! :-D


Well-Known Member
Ummm, I smoked weed first. Fell in love with it. Then I started to drink, sorry Marijuana lovers :-), but I like to drink more! :-) Then I tried a cigarette, hated it. Then there were various explorations within these substances like Hash, cigars, different forms of alcohol. I like all forms of Cannabis. Pretty much all forms of Alcohol. I like cigars. Pipe tobaccos cool. Then I was introduced to Magic Mushrooms. :-) The rest is history isn't it! :-D
Onc you push the tab bar too far.. their is no use in ever coming back! Hash and cigars have their glories. Alcohol has its benefits, but when used in predisposed areas it can act as the most "used up condom!"