If nutes sit over a year, can they go bad?


Well-Known Member
Just found an old box of nutes from my college days at OSU. They have been sitting at room temp (70ish F) for just over a year now and I was wandering if I gave them a good shake, would they work just as well?


Well-Known Member
ive seen some last and some spoil. hard to say, but i would worry and them being more concentrated from evaporation.


Well-Known Member
Where in the room? In shade or in the window? Look at the bottle in the light? Are there crystal bits? Give it a shake to make sure it hasnt separated. I'd use it up in the outdoor flowers otherwise. Not weed tho.


New Member
Just found an old box of nutes from my college days at OSU. They have been sitting at room temp (70ish F) for just over a year now and I was wandering if I gave them a good shake, would they work just as well?
i've heard if they're organic they will spoil. i called fox farm once and asked them about their nutes. they said the nutrients will have some kind of smell to it. cant remember the word they used for the smell description. i want to say phosphorus smell. i have this one line that expires 1 year after the shipping date. its been almost 2 years and they still work fine. they're considered organic but are not 100%. i think also freezing and thawing can hurt them.


New Member
The OP mentioned in an earlier thread, that the pic in question is a family member and not meant as an insult
i thought it was funny in sort of a cute way. i have a cousin that probably has similar issues mentally. it's cool, we all need to laugh in life right? i make fun of them on occasion but never in front of them. it's just bad taste in humor is all. it's not much different than laughing at other things that are inappropriate like ppl getting killed and such. dark humor along with racist humor is the best. hell im a bit on the fat side and i laugh at fat jokes. this world needs more laughing and good times. long as their not bullying/harassing anyone.


New Member
The OP mentioned in an earlier thread, that the pic in question is a family member and not meant as an insult
And you believed that?

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire was a good man, a real socialist who knew the limits of it. But I doubt he'd defend making fun of the less fortunate.