If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?


Well-Known Member
by making god a mystical being that "crated" the world and therefore can destroy it you and me, so basically you dont want to piss him off. so lets write a book that says live your life this way, pay the church, and pray and you will "go" to "heaven". dont piss off the church because they are the most close to god and lie in the direct path to heaven, essentially creating a hierarchy and placing themselves at top just under god. also there is the common belief that if you pray and repeant you can do what ever you want and you will be forgiven, "say 20 hail mary's my son, then you can get into heaven and be next to the grace of god".

^^^^^^this is not what "god", or jesus' father, meant by "the word of god" or "heaven"...

its like a society was created, we are the donkys and the heaven is a carrot used as motivation. ???


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, do we see how the egyptians built any of their buildings in the hyroglyphics? Like what about the simple, easy to make mud huts or whatever they lived in.... What exactly do we see in the existing hyroglyphics? Is it historical accounts or religious writtings?

I'm just asking because the title makes it seem shocking that there is no construction manuel for pyramids in the hyroglyphics. I don't even know what the little pictures are there for...


Master of Mayhem
why does covering up his family an being a man cause the fear of god...people fear other people for things much worse than that..hitler was feard.kim jung il was feared sadam hussian was feared....
These people are/were feared because of outright sheer terror. Disobey us and you will be imprisoned, tortured, or killed. The Romans developed the whole christian religion to unite all the people under one valor; to be able to control them. Not with sheer terror, but with the understanding that if they did not do as the bible says, they will simply burn in hell for eternity. So they turn Jesus into a saint so to speak, that was born as a miracle from the jump. Of course they have to hide the fact that he was just another person like you or me. If the truth would have gotten out then they would have no pretense on which to base the whole entire religion. Jesus was supposed to be the proof that God exists, and forgives people for their sins, and really is listening to you. So they weren't using the terror of imprisonment or torture or death, they literally "put the fear of God" into people.

Is religion taking over the whole forum now?


Well-Known Member
by making god a mystical being that "crated" the world and therefore can destroy it you and me, so basically you dont want to piss him off. so lets write a book that says live your life this way, pay the church, and pray and you will "go" to "heaven". dont piss off the church because they are the most close to god and lie in the direct path to heaven, essentially creating a hierarchy and placing themselves at top just under god. also there is the common belief that if you pray and repeant you can do what ever you want and you will be forgiven, "say 20 hail mary's my son, then you can get into heaven and be next to the grace of god".

^^^^^^this is not what "god", or jesus' father, meant by "the word of god" or "heaven"...

its like a society was created, we are the donkys and the heaven is a carrot used as motivation. ???
You hit the nail right on the head!


Well-Known Member
threads like this are interesting, i like to understand why im getting shafted
me--->:-? :hump: <-------"them"


Active Member
Read up on St Peter, Jesus' best friend. He wrote a gospel too, only it wasn't included because it said that Jesus was born from Mary and Joseph (in other words Jesus was just a normal guy). There are other reasons too.

Also when jesus 'came back to life' there were thousands of sightings of him in different places at the same time.

Jesus was a top guy, had followers and everything. Manson.
Yes that is they type of texts I was talking about.

One of these that caused much controversy and also supports the 'Davinci Code' Theroy would be the Gospel of Phillip. Which claims that Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene all the time and that he loved her more than all the disciples.

Another controversial text was that of the Gospel of Adam and Eve. This text spoke of Eve being the second woman created by god, in a sense Adams second wife. It talks about the first woman being made of the dirt like Adam was, instead of from Adams rib. The first woman did not like being told to 'get on her knees' for adam and in turned rebeled and was expeled from the garden. It is also said that this book supports the paranormal.

The last one I can think of off the top of my head is the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which portrays Mary as a favorite disciple of Jesus and not a prostitute like the christains want everyone to believe. It is claimed that this text goes on to acknowledge Mary as continuing the 'word' after Jesus's death, which would have been heresay at that time as women were not to involve themselves in such things.

I have also heard of a Gospel of the Eygyptians, however I have no idea what it contains or if it relates to the creation of the bible or not.

There are so many unknowns, theroies and controversy in regards to all of this. In my opinion to this day even those in control of much of this knowledge still pick and choose what the public is allowed to know, especially the catholic/christian church, since they want everyone to believe they are correct and everyone else is wrong.


Well-Known Member
There are more books written by Apostles etc. that ARENT IN THE BIBLE than there are in the Bible.

Most were taken out by the Catholic Church. Mainly things that opposed their domination of control. Or...things that conflicted with their script.

Mary of Magdeline wasnt just some tramp as people like to make her out. There was a Gospel about her that was taken out too. It even suggested that Jesus/MM had a child together and were way more than just friends.


New Member
jesus was a well liked guy, he had the charisma to bring people together. The Romans wanted the support of the jews, almost to be liked if you will.
Why was Jesus really arrested?

Why is it that we only have the bible as evidence of Jesus' or anyone elses existence?

If somebody could provide me a link to other historical documentations I would very much like to read up on it.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is they type of texts I was talking about.

One of these that caused much controversy and also supports the 'Davinci Code' Theroy would be the Gospel of Phillip. Which claims that Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene all the time and that he loved her more than all the disciples.

Another controversial text was that of the Gospel of Adam and Eve. This text spoke of Eve being the second woman created by god, in a sense Adams second wife. It talks about the first woman being made of the dirt like Adam was, instead of from Adams rib. The first woman did not like being told to 'get on her knees' for adam and in turned rebeled and was expeled from the garden. It is also said that this book supports the paranormal.

The last one I can think of off the top of my head is the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which portrays Mary as a favorite disciple of Jesus and not a prostitute like the christains want everyone to believe. It is claimed that this text goes on to acknowledge Mary as continuing the 'word' after Jesus's death, which would have been heresay at that time as women were not to involve themselves in such things.

I have also heard of a Gospel of the Eygyptians, however I have no idea what it contains or if it relates to the creation of the bible or not.

There are so many unknowns, theroies and controversy in regards to all of this. In my opinion to this day even those in control of much of this knowledge still pick and choose what the public is allowed to know, especially the catholic/christian church, since they want everyone to believe they are correct and everyone else is wrong.
Some of the things associated with Christianity actually have its roots in Egypt. For example....Moses was raised in Egypt. He was trained as an Egyptian priest. That means he went through 40+ years of training as each Egyptian Priest did.

So...is it a coincidence that Moses brought the 10 Commandments....But written in Metu Neter (Hiroglyphs) are The 144 negative Confessions....Much more than 10. But all the 10 Commandments can be found in the 144 negative Confessions.

ie. : I have not killed (Thou Shall Not Kill)
I have not stolen (Thou Shalt Not Steal)
I have not disrespected my Elders (Honor Thy Mother & Father) etc.

practically all were pilfered from Egyptian Society.


New Member
Wherever christianity went it stole the countries religous themes to ingratiate itself more easily.

When christiandom came to Brittain it took the pagan festivals of easter and christmas. People today still actually believe that Jesus was born on Dec 25th.

In the pagan festival of easter it was a time of bountiful food and eggs.


New Member
ya the thing your talkin of is naturalazation...where a forigen things comes in an attepts it self to its surroundings...an what better way to get people to convert if they only have to change few things....


Well-Known Member
Well, theoretically the 4th dimension is just 3rd dimensional object with access to a coordinate on a timeline. So I don't see what they'd have to be jealous of.
I didn't mean for that to sound like it was knocking your theory, but it was intriguing and compelling.

Honestly, I just think the notion of steps for humans didn't take alien invention, and we just kind of went from that.
And I don't think a whole lot of pyramids have heiroglyphs of their building because they are burial chambers. It would make more sense to put visions of the afterlife and those buried there's lives.


Well-Known Member
Well, theoretically the 4th dimension is just 3rd dimensional object with access to a coordinate on a timeline. So I don't see what they'd have to be jealous of.
I didn't mean for that to sound like it was knocking your theory, but it was intriguing and compelling.......
glad to hear

the jealously (used for lack of a better word) i think is due to the fact the we are "beautiful" beings who have the added ability to feel, and have guilt. i dont think "they" have this ability, as well as some others that most people take for granted. i think this somewhat explains why we only use 10% (aprrx) of our brains. i think that, like edgar casey, we all have the ability to coordinate the "timeline" ????