If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

What is interesting is that there is a national meat Cold Storage report. Yes the industry stores many pounds of beef and pork in cold syorage. During the so-called shortage storage reports show that this storage was not even tapped into. So I asked you how dire was the meat shortage. Not dire at all. I'm not saying that there would be no shortage, because the meat packing plants we're not turning out product. But it never got so bad that they had to tap into the National Storage
I bought meat last year pre-pandemic (pork/beef/chicken) at at least 30% a lower price than yesterday.
The increase in cost is fucking huge.
What's that about, and how does that effect the average American family struggling to survive today.
Oh, that's right!!!
American Capitalism at it's finest!!!
Supply & demand right?
We are in for a World of hurt
Thanks Trump.
Don't give a shit who wins, hope everyone can be civil afterwards no matter the outcome. Tired of the politicians trying to divide the citizens in order to get votes. All I wanna do is sit in my house in the woods and grow weed. I'd rather not everyone I know be brainwashed one direction or the other treating neighbors, friends and family like enemies because of some fucking douche bags who once in office will try to fuck ya no matter which side they are on.

I quit paying for cable a few years ago and it was the best thing I could've done. I don't get all the brainwashing making me think the world is about to end any minute. I don't scroll facebook at all, only shop marketplace and my IG is 99% weed accounts. Im already an anxious person I don't need to be spoon fed anxiety causing propaganda. But I hate to see what it's doing to people, you have people on both sides thinking the world is gonna end, when in all actuality whoever wins is just there to line their pockets for as long as they can, meanwhile neighbors and friends are turning on each other over something that is not near as interesting or dramatic or life altering as they are being told.
Don't give a shit who wins, hope everyone can be civil afterwards no matter the outcome. Tired of the politicians trying to divide the citizens in order to get votes. All I wanna do is sit in my house in the woods and grow weed. I'd rather not everyone I know be brainwashed one direction or the other treating neighbors, friends and family like enemies because of some fucking douche bags who once in office will try to fuck ya no matter which side they are on.

I quit paying for cable a few years ago and it was the best thing I could've done. I don't get all the brainwashing making me think the world is about to end any minute. I don't scroll facebook at all, only shop marketplace and my IG is 99% weed accounts. Im already an anxious person I don't need to be spoon fed anxiety causing propaganda. But I hate to see what it's doing to people, you have people on both sides thinking the world is gonna end, when in all actuality whoever wins is just there to line their pockets for as long as they can, meanwhile neighbors and friends are turning on each other over something that is not near as interesting or dramatic or life altering as they are being told.
That is the power of this propaganda attack that Russia has been conducting on our citizens. All the trolling has essentially radicalized each other against their fellow Americans.

By spamming them nonstop with propaganda aimed at exactly what impacts them the most (based on any and all web surfing that they do that is used to compute what to hit that person with), people are tricked into thinking everything is more extreme than ever before.

Best of luck and I may your grows all be blight free!
Don't give a shit who wins, hope everyone can be civil afterwards no matter the outcome. Tired of the politicians trying to divide the citizens in order to get votes. All I wanna do is sit in my house in the woods and grow weed. I'd rather not everyone I know be brainwashed one direction or the other treating neighbors, friends and family like enemies because of some fucking douche bags who once in office will try to fuck ya no matter which side they are on.

I quit paying for cable a few years ago and it was the best thing I could've done. I don't get all the brainwashing making me think the world is about to end any minute. I don't scroll facebook at all, only shop marketplace and my IG is 99% weed accounts. Im already an anxious person I don't need to be spoon fed anxiety causing propaganda. But I hate to see what it's doing to people, you have people on both sides thinking the world is gonna end, when in all actuality whoever wins is just there to line their pockets for as long as they can, meanwhile neighbors and friends are turning on each other over something that is not near as interesting or dramatic or life altering as they are being told.
Where do you get your information to make an informed decision, from weed sites?
Do you vote at all?
It sounds like you are happy being off the grid & don't give a fuck.
Good luck with that :)
Where do you get your information to make an informed decision, from weed sites?
Do you vote at all?
It sounds like you are happy being off the grid & don't give a fuck.
Good luck with that :)
I will admit I'm underinformed. I don't feel it's such a bad thing when I see how friends or family are so angry about what's happening. It's not like I don't know what's happening at all as I talk to people and hear the radio. I get some news stories on my phone. So if something major happens I see it eventually. But it might be 10 mins a week. I still catch myself getting sucked into the television if I go to a friends house and news is on. Like my mind is trying to make up for not watching it anymore. Its become entertainment of some sort or something like that cause it's very interesting for something that's really kinda boring. I think of it like this and try not to worry too much, the way our government is set up it takes years for minor changes to get passed, one party is in office a few years then the other, they both barely chip at pushing real agendas one way or the other. I feel if one party is over reaching during their turn the other party will make up for it the next time it's their turn.

Not completely off grid gotta have plenty of electric. Just don't like to be made anxious over every little thing going on in the world.
This guy also goes when Trump goes.

Okay...this filled up fast...in order for Trump to “win legitimately” *THIS* time IMO will require that he win the popular vote without poll disruption by his brownshirts, without squelching the counting of votes, without suing states to overturn actions taken to *secure* the vote in time of pestilence...and without getting the Supreme Court involved.

If he wins under those conditions, and there is no evidence of vote tampering by “foreign actors”, then I suppose I/we must accept it. If he wins, we will desperately need veto-proof majorities in Congress...and I STILL won’t like it, not even a little bit.
The only way for a women into the White House is through the back door. That’s ok. Once Kamala gets in we will finally be able to get some important things accomplished . I am so excited ! Fuck Yeah! The future looks bright!
I am really excited for 2024, I think whoever it is that emerges from that Democratic field is going to be in an amazing position to lead us to some great things as a nation. I really am excited that if Biden wins, Kamala will get elevated to the world stage as VP. It will set her up well to take over when Biden is done with a very successful 4 years and doesn't run in 2024.
We really couldn’t ask for a better VP then Momala! I LOVE her!!!!. She has it all, brains, beauty , confidence, great personality with such a positive attitude and great sense of humor . What a smile and she radiates such a great connection with people . How did we get so lucky? I would love to meet her and Joe one day. They seems so cool.
Biden was just in the white house so what is there to look forward to...Im ready to pull my entire 401k out the moment biden wins...Im a have a lot of play money for sure, maybe get one of them giant gas guzzling trucks I dont need
Not entirely true. Trump, er I mean Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Paul Hindenburg. The National Socialists won more seats in the Reichstad so their party won the right to have one of their own be President and thus Chancellor. What is interesting is the letter sent to Hindenburg by the leading industrialists of Germany. They wanted Hitler.
True. But after the brownshirts "convinced" the undesirables that Hitler was the man everybody went along with it. Even during the war at the very end people still supported him. He could not have done what he did without support. The belief in being a superior race is common in some. Many religious folks fit this. The first world war and the United States pulling money from Germany to punish them for world war I caused a great hatred among the people. Hitler was in the right place at the right time just like trump. Not much difference. And as automation continues to make manufacturing jobs less it will get worse. And even your response to my response shows you want to correct me. To be shown as superior. Very common human trait.
Last edited:
August 21, 2019

President Trump knows a lot of voters don’t like him. But detractors should vote for him anyway, Trump says, for one crucial reason: To protect their savings.
“If for some reason I wouldn’t have won the [2016] election, these markets would have crashed. That’ll happen even more so in 2020,” Trump told the crowd recently at a rally in New Hampshire. “You have no choice but to vote for me because your 401(k), everything is going to be down the tubes. So whether you love me or hate me, you’ve got to vote for me.”
The allegation is clear: Democrats are bad for the stock market, so if a Democrat beats Trump in 2020, stocks will tank and every American with a portfolio will lose money. Like many Trumpisms, however, the claim does not survive a comparison with the facts.
Democrats, in reality, are good for the stock market. The S&P 500 has risen by about 28% since Trump’s inauguration in 2017. That’s okay. But it rose 34% during the same period of time in Barack Obama’s first term, and 41% during the same period of time in Obama’s second term. Here are the numbers going back to Richard Nixon’s first term:
Source: Yahoo Finance

Source: Yahoo Finance
Trump’s comparison with Obama improves if you measure stock-market gains since each president’s election, rather than Inauguration Day. The S&P 500 is up 35% since Trump’s election in 2016, compared with 13% for Obama’s first term and 47% for Obama’s second term. But Trump’s 35% gain since Election Day still trails the average for Dems since 1968, which is 37%. The average gain since Election Day under Republican presidents is just 18%.
It’s well known among stock-market geeks that stocks do better under Democratic presidents than under Republicans. That’s probably just random, however. Many factors influence stocks—most importantly, the overall state of the economy and the business cycle. These days, the Federal Reserve has more power over the direction of stocks than any president does. Presidents, in fact, rarely change policies in ways that send stocks moving one direction or the other.

Sure though go ahead and Pull you 401K after Trump loses. Some People Believe everything that Idiot says.