if u like L like i do please help out with my ????


Well-Known Member
The Speed Racer movie is awesome on shrooms. Don't see it sober though for sure or you probably won't like it.
Apocalypto is a very epic movie though.


Well-Known Member
ok so me and my buddies are going to eat 5 hits of some amazing blotter acid and we need to aquire the most colorful and amazing tripping movie .... Fear and Loathing is not the answer i want because we have that, i want a shear epic movie that is full of color any ideas out there?
Fantazia.....amazing on shrooms and acid!!!:weed:


Active Member
Ever see that old cartoon with the Beatles soundtrack called "The Point"??? Or try Pinochio, Animetrix, Space Balls, Killer Klowns from Outerspace or pretty much anything in Technicolour. Bright colors are nice but it has good music is essential. Get a fun musical like Willy Wonka or a Pee Wee Herman movie.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member

Images of the Sun and light are used in an interesting way.

The one time I had acid I tried to watch Muppets in Space. After about 20 minutes it was too intense to handle.


Active Member
Go outside during the night. Cops CANNOT arrest you for being high. You can say, "I'm fryin some balls right now, officer. Do ya think I could I catch a ride to a gas station to pick up some orange juice? I think it'll make these visuals killer," and they can't do shit unless you are fuckin stuff up.

I also always wanted to watch fantasia while frying on acid but never got the chance. Star Wars was terrifying. Thought I was actually in the movie. Wasn't diggin it.
Go outside during the night. Cops CANNOT arrest you for being high. You can say, "I'm fryin some balls right now, officer. Do ya think I could I catch a ride to a gas station to pick up some orange juice? I think it'll make these visuals killer," and they can't do shit unless you are fuckin stuff up.

I also always wanted to watch fantasia while frying on acid but never got the chance. Star Wars was terrifying. Thought I was actually in the movie. Wasn't diggin it.

LMAO!! IDK about the whole cant arrest you thing, Probable cause. If they suspect you ingested a illegal drug they can take you to the station for a drug test.

But yah. Scary shit fightin storm troopers. They never seem to miss!


Active Member
LMAO!! IDK about the whole cant arrest you thing, Probable cause. If they suspect you ingested a illegal drug they can take you to the station for a drug test.

But yah. Scary shit fightin storm troopers. They never seem to miss!
I watched cops a couple times where the people told the cops they were fucked up (one on meth and I can't remember what the other one was on) and all the cops could say was, "Ya know, you really shouldn't do that".

My boss would also go talk to cops while he was frying on mushrooms and never got arrested.