If You are a Cool Guy/Gal


Well-Known Member
simple as i already wrote, throw me some trep if your cool, and ill throw some back, i will outgrow you anyday, so quit hatin on i get my rep and ill quit hatin on how you hate on me, ... CAPISH?!?


Well-Known Member
as you can see i just quit smoking, i need them + reps to make my feening ass think about something other than the joys of smokin them cancer sticks , so really, in other words, if you don't plus rep me i may fall off the wagon and become yet another statistic of cancer, you all don't want that hanging over your heads do ya? + rep me lol


Well-Known Member
internet rep is a touchy subject, lol , take the corncob outta your ass and shove it down your esophagus please


Active Member
as you can see i just quit smoking, i need them + reps to make my feening ass think about something other than the joys of smokin them cancer sticks , so really, in other words, if you don't plus rep me i may fall off the wagon and become yet another statistic of cancer, you all don't want that hanging over your heads do ya? + rep me lol
but wouldnt you just love a tasty cigarette right now?


Active Member
go ahead, just have one. one cigarette never killed anyone. plus cancer isnt even a real disease, it's all made up. that little bit of info has got to make you aggravated. you know what always calms my nerves? a cigarette. go ahead, fire one up. its just one cigarette. one tasty, smooth, relaxing, satisfying little stick of joy


Well-Known Member
cigarettes are very good indeed, it is only the +reps that you all hook me up with that will save me from a life of emphysema.


Active Member
well in that case i hope you dont get any rep. be kinda ironic if you already had cancer and didnt know it. dun dun duuuuuuuun


Active Member
if you enjoy smoking so much, quit being a pussy and smoke already. no sense being scared of emphysema when a car crash, house fire,stray bullet,intentional bullet,natural disasters, or a falling tree could kill you tomorrow. guess what, youre gonna die...we all are. every second is a second closer to our end, so its kinda like were dying from the moment were born. quit being a pussy, smoke a cigarette, and for christ sakes do what were here to do and grow some fucking weed