If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or


yep, thse grand juries and subpoenas are all fake news.

how long do you suppose it will be before you get banned again, twink?
Yeah they are. if the biggest piece of evidence they have released so far is jr. saying " I love it" sounds like state ran propaganda to me.
her campaign was designed to destroy a cruz or rubio or bush.
very practical and makes sense, but a visionary campaign designed to inspire and challenge voters across cultural and socio-economic divides might have changed the dynamics. HRC could marshall almost any resource to create a compelling, challenging, timely message or platform.
very practical and makes sense, but a visionary campaign designed to inspire and challenge voters across cultural and socio-economic divides might have changed the dynamics. HRC could marshall almost any resource to create a compelling, challenging, timely message or platform.
but russia!
Yeah they are. if the biggest piece of evidence they have released so far is tweetler saying " I'm not a crook".

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

At the same news conference, Mr. Trump also appeared to leave the door open to accepting Russia’s annexation of Crimea two years ago — which the United States and its European allies consider an illegal seizure of territory. That seizure, and the continued efforts of Russian-aided insurgents to undermine the government of Ukraine, are the reason that the United States and its allies still have economic sanctions in force against Moscow.

When asked whether he would recognize Crimea “as Russian territory” and lift the sanctions, Mr. Trump said: “We’ll be looking at that. Yeah, we’ll be looking.”
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

At the same news conference, Mr. Trump also appeared to leave the door open to accepting Russia’s annexation of Crimea two years ago — which the United States and its European allies consider an illegal seizure of territory. That seizure, and the continued efforts of Russian-aided insurgents to undermine the government of Ukraine, are the reason that the United States and its allies still have economic sanctions in force against Moscow.

When asked whether he would recognize Crimea “as Russian territory” and lift the sanctions, Mr. Trump said: “We’ll be looking at that. Yeah, we’ll be looking.”
is this the evidence they are gonna present the grand jury?
is this the evidence they are gonna present the grand jury?
I dont think they'll need this stuff. They have flynn and manafort. Jr. sure looks shady. POTUS seems to have been in the Ru. money laudering biz. They've lied and revised their declarations over and over, the top mids of the legal profession are signed up with Meuller. I doubt they're gonna need much of the pasty shit thats fallen out of POTUS's word hole.

and trump may even worse problems

Polls released over the past week or so show President Trump's overall approval rating sinking and, more ominous for the president's psyche, ...

Trump at 200 days: Declining approval amid widespread mistrust

Trump approval down in key Rust Belt states

Daily Trump Approval 36% -1
I dont think they'll need this stuff. They have flynn and manafort. Jr. sure looks shady. POTUS seems to have been in the Ru. money laudering biz. They've lied and revised their declarations over and over, the top mids of the legal profession are signed up with Meuller. I doubt they're gonna need much of the pasty shit thats fallen out of POTUS's word hole.

and trump may even worse problems

Polls released over the past week or so show President Trump's overall approval rating sinking and, more ominous for the president's psyche, ...

Trump at 200 days: Declining approval amid widespread mistrust

Trump approval down in key Rust Belt states

Daily Trump Approval 36% -1
polls about trump are fake news
Why is it only ever Republicans which lose the vote but win the Presidency?
They'll take any advantage they can get.

It's also true that the Democratic Party has been ignoring rural voters for a generation or more, often not even bothering to field candidates in rural races. That's a failed strategy and needs to change.
polls about trump are fake news
no, fake news about trumps polls, are fake news

As he has done with other results unfavorable to him, he played down the significance of the Monmouth poll, calling it "a small poll" and an "outlier, in my opinion." Five hours later on Monday, he noted, "a major CNN poll came out where I was way ahead in Iowa."

When the CNN poll came out late on Monday, showing Trump leading Cruz in Iowa, 33 percent to 20 percent, Trump tweeted his displeasure with outlets reporting on it: "I wish the @WSJ Wall Street Journal had reported the just out @CNN Iowa Poll correctly. I lead by a wide margin,13 points, going up big!"

"Just released @CNN Poll gives me a big 13 point lead in Iowa. Change your false story failing @nytimes. Thank you Iowa!" he also wrote.

On Wednesday night, Trump appeared on "CNN Tonight with Don Lemon," where he talked up his affinity for polls.

"So let's talk about the polls, because you — you love the polls, right?" Lemon asked.

"I love the polls," Trump said, as Lemon referenced the recent CNN-sponsored polls that showed him with huge leads in Iowa, New Hampshire and nationally.
no, fake news about trumps polls, are fake news

As he has done with other results unfavorable to him, he played down the significance of the Monmouth poll, calling it "a small poll" and an "outlier, in my opinion." Five hours later on Monday, he noted, "a major CNN poll came out where I was way ahead in Iowa."

When the CNN poll came out late on Monday, showing Trump leading Cruz in Iowa, 33 percent to 20 percent, Trump tweeted his displeasure with outlets reporting on it: "I wish the @WSJ Wall Street Journal had reported the just out @CNN Iowa Poll correctly. I lead by a wide margin,13 points, going up big!"

"Just released @CNN Poll gives me a big 13 point lead in Iowa. Change your false story failing @nytimes. Thank you Iowa!" he also wrote.

On Wednesday night, Trump appeared on "CNN Tonight with Don Lemon," where he talked up his affinity for polls.

"So let's talk about the polls, because you — you love the polls, right?" Lemon asked.

"I love the polls," Trump said, as Lemon referenced the recent CNN-sponsored polls that showed him with huge leads in Iowa, New Hampshire and nationally.
so cnn would report that trump was beating republicans. probably thought it would have been an easier person for hillary to run against. crazy how all their polls said he was destined to lose to hillary until the vote actually came in. Everyone knew the polls were bullshit when trump was filling up every speaking event he did on the trail. meanwhile hillary had to cancel a few because nobody showed up. The polls said trump had 0 chance. Nobody cares what a poll says anymore. It's a made up number that is very easily manipulated.
all their polls said he was destined to lose to hillary until the vote actually came in. Everyone knew the polls were bullshit

the polls were more accurate in 2016 than in 2012. they said hillary would win by 3 points, she won by just over 2.

do you cry as you type your canned responses, twink?