Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
Big Gigantic tip of the hat to Uncle Ben, as he was the one who initially suggested the benefits and made me aware of Jack's Citrus FeED!
Credit given to where it is do is in order.
Thanks UB!
Thanks. And a new one I'm really excited about - Keyplex. Have not tried it on pot yet but have on dozens of other plant material. If you're into experimenting, look at SAR technology, increasing a plant's natural resistance to pests via plant elicitors. Now, combine the plant resistance mechanisms via silicon and a hit of K (Dyna-Gro Pro-tekt) and what I'm using - Keyplex 350 DP for their plant resistance elicitor responses.....and I may be onto something for a "natural" way to control PM and other pest pressures like mites. I'm combining both and applying via foliar and soil drenches. Initial intent and focus was to correct some nasty, pervasive chlorosis issues I've been having. SAR value is secondary.

Also shown is THE silver bullet for mite control, Forbid, and a PGR I have used on O. Haze to control legginess, Bonzi.
Keyplex is known to ward off thrip pressures per one study. I've gifted a grower with some of this stuff. Whether or not he chooses to use it is his business. I hope he gives it a shot. It is NOT a cannabis product. It is used by commercial farmers across globe. I have a large avocado and citrus commercial farmer friend in Florida who also swears by it.
God knows I've tried my share of snake oils.
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