If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

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Big Gigantic tip of the hat to Uncle Ben, as he was the one who initially suggested the benefits and made me aware of Jack's Citrus FeED!

Credit given to where it is do is in order.
Thanks UB!

Thanks. And a new one I'm really excited about - Keyplex. Have not tried it on pot yet but have on dozens of other plant material. If you're into experimenting, look at SAR technology, increasing a plant's natural resistance to pests via plant elicitors. Now, combine the plant resistance mechanisms via silicon and a hit of K (Dyna-Gro Pro-tekt) and what I'm using - Keyplex 350 DP for their plant resistance elicitor responses.....and I may be onto something for a "natural" way to control PM and other pest pressures like mites. I'm combining both and applying via foliar and soil drenches. Initial intent and focus was to correct some nasty, pervasive chlorosis issues I've been having. SAR value is secondary.


Also shown is THE silver bullet for mite control, Forbid, and a PGR I have used on O. Haze to control legginess, Bonzi.

Keyplex is known to ward off thrip pressures per one study. I've gifted a grower with some of this stuff. Whether or not he chooses to use it is his business. I hope he gives it a shot. It is NOT a cannabis product. It is used by commercial farmers across globe. I have a large avocado and citrus commercial farmer friend in Florida who also swears by it.

God knows I've tried my share of snake oils.

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Thanks. And a new one I'm really excited about - Keyplex. Have not tried it on pot yet but have on dozens of other plant material. If you're into experimenting, look at SAR technology, increasing a plant's natural resistance to pests via plant elicitors. Now, combine the plant resistance mechanisms via silicon and a hit of K (Dyna-Gro Pro-tekt) and what I'm using - Keyplex 350 DP for their plant resistance elicitor responses.....and I may be onto something for a "natural" way to control PM and other pest pressures like mites. I'm combining both and applying via foliar and soil drenches. Initial intent and focus was to correct some nasty, pervasive chlorosis issues I've been having. SAR value is secondary.

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Also shown is THE silver bullet for mite control, Forbid, and a PGR I have used on O. Haze to control legginess, Bonzi.

Keyplex is known to ward off thrip pressures per one study. I've gifted a grower with some of this stuff. Whether or not he chooses to use it is his business. I hope he gives it a shot. It is NOT a cannabis product. It is used by commercial farmers across globe. I have a large avocado and citrus commercial farmer friend in Florida who also swears by it.

God knows I've tried my share of snake oils.



I tried this stuff about ten years ago, not very effective in my experience.
KeyPlex appears to make similar claims to those of the harpin products

Yes, having been bitten repeatedly by various snake oils over the decades, I am now twice cautious in their use!!
Oh no, thanks for the advice and well wishes, there are no problems with the plants, they won't stunt or anything, I was referring to the fact that I made those trics by feeding them sulfur which I actually didn't say here but did in another thread (my bad)

that, and that I admitted to actually being RM3
If you are RM3 then my late brother tuned you into the importance of Sulphur, He was CBL.
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I am a member at your place, just don't spend much time there. The members there seem to have their shit together and really do not need much guidance. I try to spread sound botanical facts here at RIU but unfortunately most do not want to listen. The facts are just not cool and flashy enough for them. Endeavor to Persevere.
I am a member at your place, just don't spend much time there. The members there seem to have their shit together and really do not need much guidance. I try to spread sound botanical facts here at RIU but unfortunately most do not want to listen. The facts are just not cool and flashy enough for them. Endeavor to Persevere.
yeah when they learn the hard way there is no magic, they tend to seek us out
Sulphur is a great addition to any annual you are growing for the purpose of their 'essential oils'. If you want to grow the most aromatic herbs or the hottest peppers in the neighborhood be sure to include additional Sulphur at the onset of fruiting. Thats a fact Jack!
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Sulphur is a great addition to any annual you are growing for the purpose of their 'essential oils'. If you want to grow the most aromatic herbs or the hottest peppers in the neighborhood be sure to include additional Sulphur and the onset of fruiting. Thats a fact Jack!
That was what I was tryin to tell em, before all that experience came in and said I was nuts LOL
Yeah Hog Little Brother was very well educated in school and in the fields, he truly did have a green thumbs. He taught me much for sure. But I taught him the basics that got him started on his way. And as far as cannabis goes I can say there has been no true breakthroughs in decades. Many claim such without real evidence to back their claims up. Yet the fact remains it is one of the simplest and most humble annuals, or plants, you could ever grow.
That's the thing, I don't care about the snots or the haters or the folks that cling to the BS myths, I care about the patients, the parents trying to help their kids, the troops that return with ptsd, the folks with cancer, the list goes on and on and those folks tend to find us !!!

as long as they are out there looking I'll be here teachin ,,, Endeavor to Persevere.
That's the thing, I don't care about the snots or the haters or the folks that cling to the BS myths, I care about the patients, the parents trying to help their kids, the troops that return with ptsd, the folks with cancer, the list goes on and on and those folks tend to find us !!!

as long as they are out there looking I'll be here teachin ,,, Endeavor to Persevere.
Amen and much love my Friend. Hugs
So, if you followed the link and looked at all the pages, you saw the tanning booth, it is 3, 6 bulb Oracle High bay warehouse lights. The bulbs are 54 watt HO's 4100K from GE making the tanning booth a 1000 watt light (some of that is ballast, actual light wattage is 972) the fixtures were $130 each the bulbs were $5 each. They are high quality fixtures!!!

I know there are gonna be folks that say HPS, HID is the way to go but I promise you the buds grown under this light are more potent !!! Has to do with how flouros are disfused and as for penetration? there are no shadows with this set up trust me it rocks !!!

I know this comin from the famous CMH guy, but Phillips discontinued them and the tanning booth has easily outdone my CMH setup, I gotta tell ya I am completely pleased and not changin again (well unless they discontinue T5's?)
Sometimes people forget it is a weed we r growing albeit a very tasty one point being their r multiple ways of growing it more than I can mention info is good but sometimes the net can give to much info leading people into a state of confusion I do think simple and straight forward is better!
Just finished reading this entire thread and all I can say is, interesting. I'll keep an eye on this one. Just hope the assholes shut the fuck up and let the man do what he does. Been growing since December 2010 and still got a lot to learn so I'm always open for new ideas. Keep it coming Hog, I'm paying attention, do what you do and looks like the book is going to be interesting. When are you going to finish it and get it published? :leaf:
Thanks ! yeah unfortunately you have to read the whole thread to get it and there are some bumps in the road, so to speak

am hopin for an august release on the book, am setting up the LLC publishing company now
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