If your goin CFL. YOU GOTTA DO IT RIGHT :-)


Not to be a nay sayer or anything but if you grow with all those bulbs. please dont kid yourself and think that cfl's dont emit heat. they do just not as much as other forms of light (HID)
however in large a large capacity such as this they will generate a considerable amount of heat. Speaking from experience.... founded in one of my past post. I was growing and had about 14 cfls in there 4 300w and the rest were normal 26 watter's. I was growing in a 4 foot tall cab and had pretty good or what I thought was pretty good ventilation. needless to say I got temps off of just 14 or so lights that was surprising to me over 90degrees F. most plants can handle that amount of heat for a short while(2-4 hours) with minimal damage... maybe some stunning from the stress. 90 degrees F isn't crazy but it will sure help heat up a room and become a minor annoyance to plants and that could have the potential of becoming worse. I say that because I never let it stay that hot to find out what the full stress potential was for the plants before adverse effects took place. I would open the door when I was home to do so during light hours. but eventually ventilation was necessary to upgrade.

just saying if you haven't looked at that as a concern, OP you might consider it bad ass bulbs though!!! looks like a bed full of heavy artillery! :)

my 2cents of sense for what ever thats worth...

EDIT!!!!: my mistake I went back and looked at the picture again. I mistook the amount of cartons around the bed as individual cfl boxes:roll: (smack forhead doh!!). Then saw the amount of boxes and realized there is only four. OP do I have that right you have four of those things? if so rock on and disregard the above post.


"Stay Faded"