I'll Never Use Bagseed Again


Active Member
10 seeds, 4 females, 2 herms, 4 males.... Paranoid the others may go herm.

I want good genetics, was thinking about getting feminized seeds but after reading how they're made I'm not so sure. Anyone that has experience with feminized? Was it a complete success?

I suppose regular seeds are the way to go......



Active Member
Also, out of the 4 females 2 of them seem to be growing slower & sickly, how can that be when they've been grown under the exact same conditions as the other two?


Well-Known Member
When i first started growing i would use nothing but Fem seeds. Fem seeds are good but you usually dont get to Pheno Hunt or breed with Fem seeds which is why i switched to regular seeds. That way if you choose to breed you can

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey bro any fem beans have a higher chance of going hermie on you, but they are worth their weight in gold if you are legal and trying to stay within your limit. I would go with Nirvana and two strains that are very easy to grow are Bubblelicious, and Snow White! Great yeilders and if you need any grow info on those two strains hit me up with a PM and I will hook you up. GL my brotha! ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, bagseed sucks, in that you don't know if the seeds came from hermie pollen, or not. I recently gave it a shot, kinda screwin around til me new seeds came in the mail, and ended up with 11 females, 5 of which went hermie, by week 7. No light leaks or any stresses either, just crap genetics. Thankfully, I'm back to my fems which I started a couple weeks ago. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I grew many many years with only bagseed. Granted real genetics are awesome, but you can do some good work with bagseed. Its good to learn on. I usually always got about 50/50 with bag seed.

I've had good luck with femed seeds so far, but have heard horror stories but never encountered one. I usually opt for regular seeds because i like to make some F1's for later, but femed are extremely convenient since I have to work within a certain plant count.


Well-Known Member
i always blame myself before i start bashing plant genetics and sensitivities...and it usually IS my fault in the end

jumping straight to fem seed or 'high quality' seed is foolish to me
until you can maintain consistent favorable conditions in your grow, you're just flushing away cash and lovely plants...
that would be a shame indeed...keep raising bagseed until you're solid