"Illegal for a reason"


Well-Known Member
Every time I read a question on Yahoo! Answers related to marijuana, at least one of the answers says to stay away from cannabis because it's "illegal for a reason" (ppl will believe anything the gov't says, but that's beside the point)

The question I just read was someone saying that they always get nauseous after a few drinks because the taste makes the want to throw up, and that the only thing that seems to combat it is marijuana.

This is one of the answers: "They have these pills called chasers you take them before you start drinking..say no to the illegal drugs they are illegal for a reason." Now, I'm open to people's differing opinions, but some people just refuse to listen to logic :wall:

In thousands of years of smoking marijuana, not a single person has died from smoking weed. Now compare that to the hundreds of alcohol related deaths each year.

Alcohol can affect you to the point that you can't walk in a straight line, or even form a proper sentence, and has caused deaths from dangerous behaviour (i.e. drunk driving) while under the influence, as well as toxicity. So, there has to be some reason why it's legal.

Sure weed's illegal for a reason, if you're one of those people who think that everything happens for a reason, but I'm not gonna stop smoking it just because it's illegal; I'd like to know what that reason is.

Just venting.



Well-Known Member
There is indeed a very rational reason why it's illegal.
The only way they can think of to tax it is to throw $1000 fines at you for possessing it.
If the government doesn't make money off it then they don't want it here. Plain and simple.
Hey, I said there was a rational reason, I didn't say it was a good one.


Well-Known Member
Alcohol will never become illegal again because just up to a few hundred years ago, you practically had to drink it. Beer was drank because it was safe, unlike the water. We have a culture that includes beer.

For westerners, we don't have a culture with cannabis in it. It really only began 40 years ago. And, to top it off, the negative stereotypes used against marijuana 70 years ago still linger in the back of the "straights" conscious.......and still in the frontal lobe of the christian zealots.

More than anything, I think, its an attempt to define "normal" or o.k. If marijuana becomes legal, I think the straights fear that they no longer have a say in what "normal" is. It makes them feel someone is changing the rules in the middle of the "game" - cause that's how most of em see life. So, even though most don't have a problem with marijuana, per se, they don't like having the rules changed on them, and they don't like losing a bit of control.

IDK.........I'm rambling

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
lmao let them bask in their ignorance

it makes my blood boil too, how can some people be so stupid.

looks like the government brainwashing campaigns have worked