I'm coming out of the closet!!!! Lots of pics


Well-Known Member
With All the money you spent on the CFL's you could have bought a nice 600 watter HPS. Did your Female Buds have SEEDS because of the Male Polinating? I saw that Big Guy in the picture and the pollen was spread on the leaf..so, What happened?
knowing what i know now i prolly would have gone the hps route. my roomate is convinced that the feds put a search warrant out on everyone who buys an hps. our agreement was that i couldn't use any grow lights. the challenge was part of the fun for me.

i don't know about seeds yet as i haven't harvested yet. it was my first grow so i was still figuring out sexing. once i realized that i had males and that they jizzed all over the setup, i got the females out of there and scrubbed down everything. i didn't put the females into flower until a few weeks after the males died so i'm hoping they weren't fertile. if not i have an excuse to start round 2.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with roseypanties get hps or & mh!!! rep+:bigjoint:
probably will go that way for round 2. see my prior post as to why i couldn't go hps or mh even if i wanted to. $ was a little short at the time too and i could add cfl's one at a time whereas hps and mh aren't like that.

thanks for the rep!!


Well-Known Member
Week 5 of flowering:
early August

Things are starting to really pick up. Vertical growth is increasing and buds are really starting to fill out. I also started playing with my camera settings. Otherwise just doing what I have been...~.5 gallon H20 per plant every 2-3 days w/ nutes and molasses. Temps in the low 80's and humidity ~40%. I think all the close ups are of #2.

Here is my setup from a few feet away.

#2 starting to look pretty good



Well-Known Member
Week 6 of flowering:
mid August

This is a few days later from my last post of pics. The girls continue to fill out and put on weight. Trichs start to become visible to the naked eye. Almost all of the close ups are of #2 as it is getting harder to move things around to get close ups of #1.

By this point I am maxing out the nutes, MG flowering every other day w/ RO DI H20. My tap water is like poison to them.

#1's cola

#1 from a distance. She is getting too heavy to stand on her own. She spends the day leaning against the wall

Spider man keeping guard!

Cola's everywhere!

Its hard to focus the camera that close

Much better


Some heat burn and nute burn visible on #2

#1 is losing leaves faster than I can clean them up. But #2 is hardly losing any leaves. Anybody know why?

A bunch of #1's colas all in a row

More of #1's colas lined up

And again, but with different camera settings

#1's main cola again

Better focus

This cola is really starting to fill out

Frickin' dead leaves

Not too many white hairs growing anymore

More of #1's side branches and plenty of manicuring for me to do. I swear these girls are higher maintenance than female humans.

Some leaves dead, many more on the way.

This shows one of the tricky parts to my setup. I have to keep the clip on lights spaced and positioned correctly so the shop light stays balanced. Move one light into the right spot and it shifts another into the wrong spot....

Colas everywhere. Looking upwards this time.

Colas and cfl's oh my

#1 again. Her side branches are sagging under the weight.

CFL sunrise!

#2's main cola.

If you couldn't tell I couldn't take enough pics of this

Better view of some heat burn on the cola, nute burn on the sides.

CFL's might not be too hot but they can burn

Back to #1 again

Some more pics of #2's colas.

I finally got the macro setting and focus right.



Active Member
They might have been losing so many leaves because of too much heat. Do you have enough ventilation?


Well-Known Member
They might have been losing so many leaves because of too much heat. Do you have enough ventilation?
I think ventilation is ok but #1 is back in the corner with the least circulation. That black fan moves a lot of air and I have the tower fan blowing air into the closet. Temps are in the low 80's during the light cycle except for a day or 2 when I screwed up. They were in the mid 90's+ for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Week 9 flowering:
Early September
I apologize as I didn’t take any pics for about 2 weeks. It’s my busy time of year at work and there have been plenty of parties on the weekends. Fortunately I’ve at least made time to keep the girls fed and watered. These pics are about a week old.

Here is my standard setup as I leave it for maximum light containment balanced with reasonable heat dissipation and stealthiness. My roommate didn't notice for 2 months even though he walked by my room multiple times per day. He only found out because he saw the bag of soil in the trunk of my car. I knew I forgot something before I picked him up from the airport.

"I think something is living in there"

I think it wants out.

Lights, lights and thermometer

Nutes and RO DI H2O visible. Who says MG doesn't work?

BONDAGE TIME!! The side branches sagged first. I had to tie them up before they ruined themselves. I think my girls are freaky cuz they like to be tied up. I like my women like that.

One shoelace did the trick. I used one side to help hold the other.

Routed the shoelace over a node to hold it.

The girls have gotten heavy now. I don’t like fat girls but this is a different story. I tied the fatties up.

Another of overall layout for those looking to replicate. Its hard to tell but #2 has a flat side close to the fan. That was due to accidental topping via CFL. It also has been kind of LST's due to the wind.

Some of random closet junk and the light reflectors that I removed. I should have cleaned the junk off the shelf for better airflow and cooling but it was the one thing I chose to be lazy about. I hate cleaing. I don't know if had an effects but I put the reflectors up to contain a little bit more light.

Have to run the wires through good spots and keep them tied up too. Don't want them leaning on the girls or going where they could be a fire hazard.

More bondage

#2 and some of her colas

I tied #1 to #2 to hold each other up.

Also had to use some zip ties on #1. She is really getting weighed down.

#1 main cola

#1 main cola

Here is some idea of the scale

#2. Note the spots. I knew I shouldn't have used tap water.

#2, not sure which cola

#2 again

Another cola on #2


#2. Manual focus at 1cm is hard to nail perfectly

Back to #1 side branches

More #1. Line em up.

#1 side branches. They keep growing into every little corner. Its getting annoying.

CFL sunrise. #1 side branches

#1 side branch, the one way in the back. Its getting hard to get under the lights, between the girls, around the wires while holding the camera.

#1 main cola from a low angle

#1 main cola from a higher angle

Trichs are really starting to show now. Getting the hang of the macro setting.

#1 side branch with others in the background

An attempt at something artistic but the camera focused on the background instead

This is what I was trying above. #1 side branch little nuggets in the foreground

#2. Her hairs stick out a little more and won't turn amber as fast

#2 again

Back to #1 main again

and again

#1 sides again

#1 sides again

and again

back to #2. this is one of the side colas.

apparently i couldn't get enough of #1 that night

and back to #2 side colas. damn adhd

#2 side colas

These are the last pics I have as of this moment. I'll take and post more tomorrow. I know these aren't trich shots but can anyone more experienced than I give me an idea of when harvest should be? I might take #1 down tomorrow. This is my first harvest so any and all advice is appreciated.