Im confused


Well-Known Member
Im confused, i have just been reading the medical cannabis growers guide and it seems to contradict itself,it says that a good way to help your seedlings have more females is to use 14 hours of light but then says seedlings need at least 16 hours of light ,which one should i follow?????:-?
cheers Bifter:joint:


New Member
keep them on 18/6 or somewhere around that area..... 24/0 is also fine .... ive herd that lower light hour's = more fem and lower temps = more fem .... but i doubt anything makes a big diffrence... just stick with what works best


Well-Known Member
try this one, too, for a decent read concerninganything pot growing related

Growing Cannabis Percentage of female Plants
Phrases like "it seems" and "it appears that" makes me think they are just guessing too.

The growing community is in desperate need of trained botanists to do double-blind controlled experiments regarding this and a few other growing marijuana myths. So we have some real evidence to examine rather than rely on anecdotes, testimonials and statistically insignificant and flawed experiments.
F'ing government making it illegal... the bastards.


Well-Known Member
Phrases like "it seems" and "it appears that" makes me think they are just guessing too.

The growing community is in desperate need of trained botanists to do double-blind controlled experiments regarding this and a few other growing marijuana myths. So we have some real evidence to examine rather than rely on anecdotes, testimonials and statistically insignificant and flawed experiments.
F'ing government making it illegal... the bastards.
You would think that with some countries allowing the grow and smoke of it. That there would be more hard facts. When I heard Cali was going to allow the use for medical purpose I had visions of doctors in a controlled lap growing super buds for patients. But I guess that's not the case. I'm sure there are taboos in the medical community in dealing with medical marijuana. But even then you would think some master gardeners would have written some hard facts. I guess the time frame of 2 to 4 hours differences has produced both male and female and there is prob no real surefire way to get a female or else everyone would be using that method.