im crazy and marijuana induced it.


Please no hateful comments or hostility towards me be cause of this thread. I am simply stating my personal experience. Now that I got that out of the way I DO NOT BELIEVE that marijuana can cause schizophrenia or bi-polar, but I do believe that in some people it can cause it to worsen or be more prominent. I know you probably hate me for what I am saying right now but hear me out. I have bi-polar disorder and since my first psychotic episode weed was the number one factor that made it even worse for me. I have been on medication for about 4 years now with very great success no major episodes since, but to this day even if I'm feeling just fine and dandy if I smoke weed it causes me to have another full blown scary ass psychotic episode just like before until the high wears off and believe me it's not something you EVER want to experience. In spite all the crazy shit weed does to me I still have no hate towards marijuana. I still think it should be legal and that it is probably one of the safest drugs out there. I think marijuana has allot to offer to the medical field also, hell I even think that some cannabinoids may be an effective treatment towards my disorder. It just so happens that I'm just one of those people that can't smoke, it does suck because I used to love getting high before my bi-polar. Sadly I now have to get my relaxation fix with a couple of beers and a few shots, but just keep in mind when you see study's done on marijuana linking it (NOT causing it) to schizophrenia don't be so bias towards it read it and encourage more research, because you never know marijuana may lead to the cure for it someday.


Active Member
I have a buddy I used to smoke with all the time back in the day. He used to take shrooms in school too and he was basically fine. Well he was never very intelligent to begin with so no harm. In his early 20s he did get very depressed. Some psychiatrist gave him a new experimental drug that later caused him to become bi polar and schizophrenic. He then turned to the catholic church for help until the people there started over stepping their boundaries. He then tried Scientology with an open mind until they refuse him engram therapy until he worked as "volunteer" for months. Now when ever he smokes weed, tho he's usually not up for it before drinking a good amount, he talks to imaginary people. He turns into a total nut bar and doesn't care one bit when you tell him to stop talking to imaginary people and to talk to us in the real world. So I can see how smoking isn't for everyone. I don't think it induces it without having a history of mental issues prior, but I can see how it could exacerbate the problem. Hes doing much better now. Has a band and is focused on music. If buds not for you just stay away from it like he does. I'm glad to see your experience hasn't totally tarnished your view on the potential benefits of MM.


Well-Known Member
I believe any drug or chemical can worsen someones mental state if they already have a preexisting mental condition.:wall:


very oddly tho I have found that alcohol, speed, opiates, and benzos (do not judge me and my experiments with drugs) have no influence on my bi-polar and I never have an episode when on them, I am how ever scared of trying hallucinogenic drugs like LSD, psilocybin, DMT and ketamine. I wish I was all ok in the head to at least try LSD and Mushrooms but I'm just too scared of an episode occurring. Believe me once you experience a psychotic episode it's the last thing on earth you ever want to happen again. I spent months in a single episode before being brought back to reality and its like experience hell and heaven at the same time. Its some scary shit. But I don't blame marijuana as the thing that caused my bi-polar it just something that causes or worsen an episode in me. I wish I knew why my brain is the way it is, I would love to go back to being able to smoke some bud again.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Marijuana effects some people like a antipsychotic.

We are all different though sorry its not for you.

Have you tried just getting a little baked?