I'm fucking up so bad with my new plant lolol


New Member

So I done my first successful LST (18 budsites, actually 19 with the main cola, Im stoked)

But every day I been fucking up with the lights so bad....

It's darkness is from 10 pm - 3 pm

I do more darkness obsly cause IMHO it seems to speed up the flowering process. Nut everyday I been like leaving it in light to long, or leaving it in dark too long...example...

3 days ago totally forgot took it out of dark at 430pm
2 days ago left it in light till 1230 am
yesturday left it in light till 340pm
tonight left it in light till 1040pm

I can't use a timer because I got two other baby plants and it's all in one closet, there in VEG ints in Flower so I gotta put it in my closet when it's time. Im in te process of puttin up a wall, getting more lights and having veg/flow area but the plant seems too still flowring strongly, lots of hairs and its only on it's 6th day of flower....besides the fact that I need to at the least set my alarm tommorow to avoid this....anything that can go wrong by this?


Well-Known Member
throughout my grow i was never exactly on time, sometimes 3 days darkness, some times 20 hour light 21 hour dark 12 hours 29 hours

it was a different time and duration almost every day

didnt matter @ all - they came out a treat!

depends on strain


Well-Known Member
but i wouldnt advise this, i got no hermies once - and was like this alot, i cudnt use a timer either and work silly shifts!

Nirvana widow and rhino were fine - other strains may vary


Well-Known Member
Every day I been fucking up with the lights so bad....
It's darkness is from 10 pm - 3 pm
I do more darkness obsly cause IMHO it seems to speed up the flowering process. Nut everyday I been like leaving it in light to long, or leaving it in dark too long...example...
3 days ago totally forgot took it out of dark at 430pm
2 days ago left it in light till 1230 am
yesturday left it in light till 340pm
tonight left it in light till 1040pm
This is going to be my new signature, good job, I didnt think anything could beat laquris " I got a couple clones saved any advice on to germinate them?".:)

but seriously Im sure you will be fine if you like hermi weed:)


Well-Known Member
It's darkness is from 10 pm - 3 pm.....i take it you meant dark from 10pm-3AM? I know u r darkin them for no 17 hrs.

okay, only my opinion & experience, a small variance in cycle in veg, its all good & I think more natural. However, in flower I would NOT suggest the variance & this is really the time u have to worry about the cycle so much where it can cause hermie plants. So don't sweat it, but get ur act together for the real show!


Well-Known Member
time to pull your head out of your ass...set a timer on your phone or something.

i did the same shit when i had to share light with flowering and vegging plants. its hard to be home every 12hrs to do the switch. you should just build a flower room, and save yourself the headache.