I'm goin for smokes. Anybody need anything?


Well-Known Member
I went to school with a white girl named April May. Her parents were very clever.
Wow...Cause I went to school with a gal named Summer Winters.
really?? we had an Autumn Winters in hs. now that i think about it there were a few folks with fd up names in my hs. there were these hot ass twin chicks, Jeremy and Mijo Stoner, a south asian chick named Vajaya Reddy, white chick named Sonja Dick, there was Patricia Cox, who everyone called Pat for obvious reason... think thats all i can remember. this just inspired me to crack open the yearbooks


Well-Known Member
When I was growing up I knew a brother an sister named Star and Light. Light later drowned in a drug and drunken induced boating accident on lake pyramid...RIP brother, you're missed...


Well-Known Member
True story...my dad had two friends, last names Trout the other was Cherry...........the kids Brook and Rainbow, the other Bing. Brook and Rainbow were hot, Bing was a dumbass


Well-Known Member
Hey Growpops,,,when your out can you grab me a pack of stiff smokes and a happy place,,thxs man,,hook ya up when you get here

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
i remember a thread on here once about items you would purchase together at Wal-Mart that would cause the cashier to look at you strange. pretty creative
Back when i was around 20 me and a buddy went into walmart at like 2 am...because we were bored and it was open. We ended up buying 2 machetes( they were on sale..lol, 2 ski masks and 2 .357 look a like pellet guns, not for any reason, it's just what we ended up getting, i wanted a machete for yard work, so he decided to get one, he wanted the gun, so i got one so we could shoot together, it was the middle of winter..so ski masks seems appropriate....we were met at the front door by the locals PO's..i don't understand why. I ended up going back the next day and bitching the managers out, in the middle of the floor by the registers, for calling the cops on us for making perfectly legal purchases.


Well-Known Member
Back when i was around 20 me and a buddy went into walmart at like 2 am...because we were bored and it was open. We ended up buying 2 machetes( they were on sale..lol, 2 ski masks and 2 .357 look a like pellet guns, not for any reason, it's just what we ended up getting, i wanted a machete for yard work, so he decided to get one, he wanted the gun, so i got one so we could shoot together, it was the middle of winter..so ski masks seems appropriate....we were met at the front door by the locals PO's..i don't understand why. I ended up going back the next day and bitching the managers out, in the middle of the floor by the registers, for calling the cops on us for making perfectly legal purchases.
They should have felt safe knowing that you're buying the ski masks and machettes etc. from their store, instead of walking in with your own.