I'm going CRAZY one f cked week


Well-Known Member
Banners spider mites blower going to shit not just one but two of them finding out got something growing in my lung wife going in for a surgery can someone stop the the earth I want off


Well-Known Member
Negative big daddy.

Trust that there is a plan.....and then fight that plan and make your own hot chocolate!

Sorry to read about your shit week, I'll smoke an extra hoot tonight and send you stoner thoughts.


Well-Known Member
And sorry for bringing the mood down just had to see if it would make me feel better writing it out and we will say so so a lot to deal with thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
Dr.me says go smoke some ganja, play with your woman...or your dog..... it's a cute dog so that's a tough call which is better...smoke a bit more ganja and baby your babies.

Tomorrow is another day and if this one sucks, make tomorrow better.

Cookie Rider

Well-Known Member
Good idea.
Take time out to forget about your problems, they will be there waiting and after a mental break you can address them with new clarity.

I hope the best for you.
Stay strong brother.


Well-Known Member
enjoy everything! I had a similar scare last year, they thought I had a breast cancer scare. And im a dude so if it was cancer its bad, means you have it elsewhere too usually. I said fuckit, started smoking heavy, took off work waiting on tests and results. Was best 2 weeks of my life, spent every day being good to those I love. Changed my life. And to top it off no cancer, just an infection pocket. Now I love and appreciate my wife and kids a bit more, and sure show it better.

Be at peace man. Its gonna work out.