I'm in need to Experiment..I'm getting bored of substances


Well-Known Member
I don't know why, but I'm getting bored of everything.

I don't know what to do next, I've tried these things;


I don't know what else to do, things I'm against are


Probably more, but I can't think straight.


Well-Known Member
Well seeing as how you say you're bored of all the tame drugs..

Give it 2 years and you'll be jacking up in a dirty allyway. :)


Well-Known Member
Change the scenery man. Go somewhere new and exciting and do one of your favorites, or combination (responsibly) I have always found a change of scenery helps my experiences. Go to the beach or the mountains or something


Well-Known Member
No way I'm doing Heroin, Meth or Crack man, I've made a promise to myself
Also, I've tried changing the scenery while smoking pot + doing caps
Although it's winter here right now, kind of hard to mix stuff up.
Forgot to say I've done Salvia, I'd better add that.


Well-Known Member
Try Mescalin and/ or Peyote.

Seriously craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy ass trips!

Peyote will make you sick as a dog at first, so if you hate throwing up then it aint for you. After the initial sickness you will feel as weird as you have ever felt before. Blows LSD out of the water, both of them :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know why, but I'm getting bored of everything.

I don't know what to do next, I've tried these things;


I don't know what else to do, things I'm against are


Probably more, but I can't think straight.
Try and get hold of some DMT, (Dimethyltryptamine).

Look it up and smoke some if you can find it maybe.

Most powerfull hallucinogenic on the planet man.


Well-Known Member
The Morning glory seeds, Heavenly Blue, are the ones you want. The active ingredient is LSA, I ate 400 to 500 blended up in a smoothie and tripped for 10 hours and when I woke up I hit a bowl and started tripping the next day as well. The visuals can be mild to strong depending on the dose but the body high is really intense. My dose was mild and my visuals were so-so but the body high was intense.
I got then at walmart, there is 40 seeds to a gram so 10 to 13 packs will do you right. Just rinse off the seeds in cold water really well and throw into a blender with whatever you like...


Well-Known Member
The Morning glory seeds, Heavenly Blue, are the ones you want. The active ingredient is LSA, I ate 400 to 500 blended up in a smoothie and tripped for 10 hours and when I woke up I hit a bowl and started tripping the next day as well. The visuals can be mild to strong depending on the dose but the body high is really intense. My dose was mild and my visuals were so-so but the body high was intense.
I got then at walmart, there is 40 seeds to a gram so 10 to 13 packs will do you right. Just rinse off the seeds in cold water really well and throw into a blender with whatever you like...
Awesome, how much are they?


Well-Known Member
if you keep it up at the rate you're going, it's a straight downward spiral unless one of these drugs makes you /realize/ your downward spiral.

seriously bro, you can't substitute drugs for life, there can't always be one crazy sensation after another. there has to be down time and boredom, it's the beauty of life. the possibility of it being intensely exciting and ridiculously boring at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Ima die some day.
Better make the days I'm alive fun ;).
chemicals cannot compensate for everything. you will either realize this or you will be dead in a ditch. you wont get happier you'll get sadder. seriously this is not the way you want to go if you want to have 'fun'.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, nothing is going bad right now.
I'm not getting into harder shit, I'm just wanting to try different things that I've never experienced.