I'm interested in a CannaCareer


New Member
Okay fellow rollers, I've been looking for possible career choices. I looked at trade schools, but that requires me to quit smoking the Ganjika I love so much. It's an option, yes, but I don't think I'll be too happy doing it honestly. I looked into the military, and even the National Gaurd. It seems most people are sent overseas and I have too much here that I love and just cannot lose.

So then I realized, I LOVE Cannabis, why not look into a cannabis career? I'd be happy, and even if it isn't much money, I'd be living a happy life doing what I love doing.

So my question is, what are some options? I hear about people growing and selling it to dispensaries and what not. Seems legit. I can't grow yet, but I can certainly learn to and master it eventually. So what other options are there? Where are some good states to live in for cannabis careers? Colorado, Cali, Washington? Do any blades have a serious cannabis career(not dealing illegally)? I do want this career to be fully legal.

If anyone has any information, tips, or anything at all I would seriously appreciate it guys

P.S I really hope this is in the right section....sorry if it's not!
So you thought about trade school and the military... Stick to growing it and then selling on the black market. Those markets are going to be so flooded and competitive unless your a master grow(er) i cant see it being anything more than self sustaining at best success. look to do something larger with your life than single plant farming...


Well-Known Member
I live in Washington State. It's beautiful here and a good mj friendly state. I have always done the pirate thing tho lots of people I know have cards for using and growing.
yeah, and im not saying theres no money to be found in the industry, but you have to be innovative intelligent and have product or byproducts that people really want.


Well-Known Member
absolutely.....he sez money isn't TOP priority......i live up in the mountains and we do lots of bartering and trading.


Well-Known Member
be careful about an mmj card if you want to pursue anything to do with government, it may blacklist you or something, i dont really know though just throwing it out there.


New Member
I mean my other option is probably going to be in the plumbing trade, which will require me to stop smoking weed due to drug tests, which isn't really what I want to do but I know smoking weed isn't nearly as important as a job. So if it comes to it I'll quit, but I mean is their really not much money to be made in this business?

I was thinking of maybe taking a hydroponics/growing class in a college and then work from there.
Well I'd just say its a supply and demand business that could see great changes in its markets if there is federal withdrawal from wanting to gum up legalization and a few x factors. but like as now, if you don't have a lot of resources already going for you its going to be really hard to make legal progression quickly into a lucrative career... my friends a plumber and tokes occasionally, lol idk whats up with that. but i mean you definetly could make a living off of it... again right now idk how much legally it'd be in your favor to work per say.


Active Member
I can understand how a smoker would want to get into the new 'booming' industry but like someone else said...Think bigger mate...There are tons, TONS of others thinking the same thing and unless you really are something special with your green thumb you will be 1 in a 1000