I'm smoking fan leaf stems tonight! (pics)


Well-Known Member
I am extremely desperate for any feeling remotely close to being high / stoned, but I am out of dry bud (haven't had it in ages).

The only bad thing is the stems are only a few days old. I plucked them off the plant after it went into flower. They're probably still a little moist even though I tried to dry them. :(

First I get scissors and cut up the long stems into small bits.

Then I put them in the pipe/bowl.

Like so.

Be back in 5-15 minutes guys! I'll let you know how it goes! (I'm a pretty big lightweight when it comes to bud to be honest)


Well-Known Member
I know how you feel man I would even do it to just taste the bud.

Haha I just did. It's a very harsh smoke. I think I hyperventilated myself just now. *dizzy*

I'm gonna pack a couple more bowls. I think it might also be clearing out some of the resin in my bowl :D
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Well-Known Member
i feel like a dumbass. now whatever resin might be inside my bowl, is now mixed with leave and fan leaf resin :(


Well-Known Member
I think I found a fucking baby nug of resin in there, lol... will let you know if i have any get any luck with.... wtf... i feel definitely buzzed


Well-Known Member
feel likes swag..monkeys following curious george around town

okay, so i toked and now i'm talking... and laughing

and i fucking burned my finger because i started scraping the resin with a paperclip and then there was such a glob stuck to the paperclip that i decided to just drop the paperclip in there and light the resin up while it was still stuck onto the paperclip...hehe.. but then I went to pick up the paperclip afterwards and fuck it hurt!... but for some reason i just don't care : )~
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Well-Known Member
Nah nah nah man, youre goin about it all wrong. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and you gotta make sure it counts. Get whatever tools you can (paperclips work best) and get to scraping. Use a peice of computer paper to push it all together. If its moist, roll it into a ball and pop it in and smoke it. Get as big of a ball as you can. If its dry, just pack it in loose, but be careful for pulling through- that stuff tastes nasty when you eat it.

Also, gather together whatever shake and stems you can find, and scrape that. I once found enough shake and dropped nug in my car to pack my bowl... twice. :mrgreen:

And yes, you probably could get high off of whats on your plant... if youre willing to pick it prematurely, thats up to you. I personally wouldnt, but thats me.

Well... maybe just a little...


Well-Known Member
I feel you guys...i just cut and trimmed one of my plants tonight and I am sitting here smokin resin...lol...but I may smoke a small bowl....maybe