impatient or genetics?


Active Member
I have this strain, the white, in ffhf, I know I over watered it, it's been 3 days since I watered it. Will the leaves go back to normal or stay super curled like that. How long does it usually take for leaves to come back up after overwatering? The medium is about 80% dry. the top 2 inches of soil are 100% dry. Should I water? Also, could this be the genetics of the strain?


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dig your finger a few inches into the soil, if the soil is sticking to your finger its still good, if its flaking off like powder time to water. pretty sure genetics has nothing to do with leaves just flopping like that and its usually a sign of over watering


Well-Known Member
doesnt looked like you watered it enough its thirsty. when you water you want a decent bit of water to come out of the bottom of the pot.

the soil shouldnt be that dry on the top if you have been overwatering it. if the pot feels light water it. if its heavy then yeh just leave it alone for a while.


Active Member
I haven't watered yet. Soil is almost completely dry. I need some advice. I know the plant is not underwatered, it's still drooping, but the stems are stiff and propped up, just the leaves are curled hard down and curled up as well. Should I wait to water til the stems soften up and droop a little?