Impossible! The deficit is falling as well as unemployment Obama wrecking economy

we're not all being cooked by record average temperature increases and on and on. .

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter"]
10 warmest years on record (°C anomaly from 1901–2000 mean) [TR]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Year
[TH="class: headerSort"]Global[SUP][65][/SUP][/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Land[SUP][66][/SUP][/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Ocean[SUP][67][/SUP][/TH]

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter"]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Years[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Temp. anomaly
(°C anomaly (°F anomaly) from 1951–1980 mean)[/TH]
[TD]−0.274 °C (−0.493 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.254 °C (−0.457 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.259 °C (−0.466 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.276 °C (−0.497 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.175 °C (−0.315 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.043 °C (−0.0774 °F)[/TD]
[TD]0.035 °C (0.0630 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.02 °C (−0.0360 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.014 °C (−0.0252 °F)[/TD]
[TD]−0.001 °C (−0.00180 °F)[/TD]
[TD]0.176 °C (0.317 °F)[/TD]
[TD]0.313 °C (0.563 °F)[/TD]
[TD]0.513 °C (0.923 °F)[/TD]

you fucking dumbass.

not a thing you have said in this thread is true. you even have to try to convince yourself that you're winning something rather than just conversing facts.

This is what it's like to discuss the economy with a modern Republican:

"The deficit is coming down."
Fictional Strawman Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ...

Real Conservative: the deficit is still a deficit. spending $20billion more than we take in is only marginally better than spending $22billion more than we take in. ill celebrate when the DEBT starts going down as a result of having NO deficit.

"Home sales are up."
Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ...

Real Conservative: because banks are foreclosing on people's houses as their absentee landlords walk away from their bad "investments" so they can buy another foreclosure and milk that one till it's dry too. owner occupant home sales are still falling like a stone. only real-estate speculators are having a good time, and they are doing it with bailout money.

"The stock market is up."
Fictional Strawman Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ..."

Real Conservative: the stock market hasnt been down since boooosh started throwing money at them like a drunk fratboy at a stripclub. free money always makes wall street happy. try to be less stupid.

"New home construction is up."
Fictional Strawman Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ...

Real Conservative: in 1 or 2 markets, those which have recently had massive hurricanes and floods and insurance companies are picking up the bill for re-construction actual new home building is in the shitter in almost all the nation.

"Unemployment is down."
Fictional Strawman Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ..

Real Conservative: fewer people are on unemployment, but actual employment is still in the crapper. the "unemployment" stat is just a tally of those receiving payments, not those who are jobless. you are transparent and deceptive.

""What would actually be good news?"
Fictional Strawman Republican: "No recovery until Republicans are in a position to take credit for it.

Real Conservative: how about an ACTUAL recovery based on sound fiscal planning, and less free money for wall street, fewer bullshit stats and more honest discussion of why our economy is in the shitter.? but no, you dont waant that.

"Thanks. That explains a lot."

youre still just a partisan hack playing 3 card monte with the economy just like Bwana Obama
youre still just a partisan hack playing 3 card monte with the economy just like Bwana Obama

thank you for reminding us that obama is black, i think people might have been starting to forget.

it is very relevant that obama is black.
you know that's not true, but you just can't help yourself.

ya see, with bush, the annual deficits got higher and higher. unless he was hiding the iraq war spending and other spending as "emergency spending", he never ran a smaller deficit than the year previous.

contrast that with the current president, who is overseeing annual deficits that become smaller and smaller at a faster and faster rate.

add to this the fact that this is occurring during rough economic times, rather than good economic times, and the feat is even more impressive.

fact is that in recent history, the republicans blow up deficits and democrats get them back in line. happens over and over again, without fail.

so much for your "fiscally conservative" party. the democrats now have that title.

ok ill tell you one more time, but this is the last time. if you still cant figure this out then youre a dumbass.

Budgeting Washington Style
(Either Party, Both Do The Same Shit And Have For 50 Years. )

Draft a Budget based on 12 year Projections:

Step 1 ) Spend like a drunken sailor, promise everyone a hot chick and a puppy, cut taxes or at least no new taxes and create a massive deficit budget for Years 1 through 4

Step 2 ) in years 5 & 6 "baseline" spending increases slow, resulting in reduced expenditure when compared to the "baseline budget increase" you used for years 1-4

Step 3 ) in years 7 through 12 baseline budget increases stop entirely or become minescule, resulting in vast projected surpluses in the distant future, but only if everything goes to plan perfectly.

step 4 ) when the budget actually is implemented, create a new budget along these same lines every year, so the actual reductions in expenditures NEVER OCCUR, and are simply pushed down the road endlessly all those debts are now effectively Somebody Else's Problem for as long as you can keep kicking the can down the road

fortunately Bwana Obama couldnt get his own fucking party to pass a fucking budget, so the bush budget actually reached step 2, and THAT made the deficits smaller. if the bush budget were to reach step 3, we might even see a reduction in the debt. Bwana Obama gets NO CREDIT for his failure to pass a budget, and thus gets no credit for the bush budget reaching the previously unheard of step 2 where expenditures get proportionately slightly smaller, despite still increasing as a gross number.

if you still cannot figure out that this is where clinton's fictional surplusses came from, and where bush's promises of future fiscal responsibility lived, etc etc etc then you're an idiot.

PS, the clinton budget and it's attendant projectiosn were actually LESS accurate than bush's because clinton's budgets simply aassumed the dot com bubble would continue to inflate endlessly, and everyone in america would become a pets dot com billionaire by 2005 those projectiosn and budgets were ridonkulous.
thank you for reminding us that obama is black, i think people might have been starting to forget.

it is very relevant that obama is black.

i actually dont care that you think everything is racist, and i find it hilarious when you cringe and wail everytime somebody makes a comment you feel is "Insensitive" or might "hurt someone's feelings".

i dont actually care about your exaggerated sensitivity, since you dont use your brain, thus your Feelings are irrelevant.
ok ill tell you one more time, but this is the last time. if you still cant figure this out then youre a dumbass.

Budgeting Washington Style
(Either Party, Both Do The Same Shit And Have For 50 Years. )

Draft a Budget based on 12 year Projections:

Step 1 ) Spend like a drunken sailor, promise everyone a hot chick and a puppy, cut taxes or at least no new taxes and create a massive deficit budget for Years 1 through 4

Step 2 ) in years 5 & 6 "baseline" spending increases slow, resulting in reduced expenditure when compared to the "baseline budget increase" you used for years 1-4

Step 3 ) in years 7 through 12 baseline budget increases stop entirely or become minescule, resulting in vast projected surpluses in the distant future, but only if everything goes to plan perfectly.

step 4 ) when the budget actually is implemented, create a new budget along these same lines every year, so the actual reductions in expenditures NEVER OCCUR, and are simply pushed down the road endlessly all those debts are now effectively Somebody Else's Problem for as long as you can keep kicking the can down the road

fortunately Bwana Obama couldnt get his own fucking party to pass a fucking budget, so the bush budget actually reached step 2, and THAT made the deficits smaller. if the bush budget were to reach step 3, we might even see a reduction in the debt. Bwana Obama gets NO CREDIT for his failure to pass a budget, and thus gets no credit for the bush budget reaching the previously unheard of step 2 where expenditures get proportionately slightly smaller, despite still increasing as a gross number.

if you still cannot figure out that this is where clinton's fictional surplusses came from, and where bush's promises of future fiscal responsibility lived, etc etc etc then you're an idiot.

PS, the clinton budget and it's attendant projectiosn were actually LESS accurate than bush's because clinton's budgets simply aassumed the dot com bubble would continue to inflate endlessly, and everyone in america would become a pets dot com billionaire by 2005 those projectiosn and budgets were ridonkulous.

cool fantasy, sistah.

bush blew up the deficit, obama got them back in order.

reagan/bush blew up the deficit, clinton got them back in order.

all your magical fantasy role playing won't change this fact.
i actually dont care that you think everything is racist, and i find it hilarious when you cringe and wail everytime somebody makes a comment you feel is "Insensitive" or might "hurt someone's feelings".

i dont actually care about your exaggerated sensitivity, since you dont use your brain, thus your Feelings are irrelevant.

your arsenal is composed of blaming bush for anything good that happens and then pointing out that obama is black.

that's fine, you continue to live in the REAL AMERICA with your bircher buddies, making minimum wage and complaining about how mexicans are taking your veggie picking jobs.
your arsenal is composed of blaming bush for anything good that happens and then pointing out that obama is black.

that's fine, you continue to live in the REAL AMERICA with your bircher buddies, making minimum wage and complaining about how mexicans are taking your veggie picking jobs.

ill say it agfain because obviously your ears are stuffed with cotton..


niether party is doing their job, i am a registered republican solely because i disagreee with republicans less than democrats. deomcrats are pissy little bitches who worry about FEELINGS which are irrelevant.

i do not vote for republicans based on the little R behind their name, nor do i disregard democrats based on the little D behind theirs. i choose my votes based on the record of the candidate, or their bonafides, and what they say tehy will do, not how voting for them will make me feel.

i do not give a slimy wet shit what fucking color our Brahmin in Chief is, he is still a smug potentate with a superior attitude and no talents to make that smugness tolerable.

i didnt like clinton's unctuous grin or his sleazy used car salesman manner either, does this mean im prejudiced against people of british ancestry?

i hated bush 1's wimpy limp wristed concern over FEELINGS, does this mean im racist against millionaires from kennebunkport?

you are still just a weenie looking for every excuse to call any dissenter a racist so you can negate their opinions with your ad hominems and strawman arguments.
i do not give a slimy wet shit what fucking color our Brahmin in Chief is, he is still a smug potentate with a superior attitude and no talents to make that smugness tolerable.

did you just go through your thesaurus and look for every synonym for "uppity" that you could find?
This is what it's like to discuss the economy with a modern Republican:

"The deficit is coming down."
Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ...

"Home sales are up."
Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ...

"The stock market is up."
Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ..."

"New home construction is up."
Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ...

"Unemployment is down."
Republican: "That sounds good, but here's why its actually bad. ..

"What would actually be good news?"
Republican: "No recovery until Republicans are in a position to take credit for it.

"Thanks. That explains a lot."
Sad but true.
its easy to squash this in reality many of u probably have years on this subject but in my short life i have already relized both parties suck big fat donkey dicks and play with the money however they fill fit not trying to help we the people but help them and there buddies stay rich and away from the general public i dnt have anything aginst this if they were actually really trying to help the people but they dnt they fart around bullshitting and for the presidant all the presidant ever has bein is a face for the goverment so it doesnt really matter wich party the president belongs to hes still juist a face y fight over bullshit wen we the people in all honesty need to stand up to our goverment and us as the people make shit right again by doing whatever we can hell our country is fucking poor to an extent and itll continue to get worse unless we truelly do something about it we become poorer as a nation due to people blowing money on useless bullshit that they really dont need and fileing bankruptcy 6 times in a life time and our goverment bailing out every other contry going into wars that in reality we dnt have to be in i know i sound ill manored and un educated when i say this but fuck it let little countrys and shit blow them selfs up fuck them why do we need to make sure we keep the peace and pay to rebuild there shit and our goverment needs to get there shit together the people are not sapose to be afraid of there goverment but the goverment scared of the people this is a fact and is how it need to get back to ..............................................................sorry for being a lil jumpy in my topics but just how i am as it pops in my head i type it
Republicans will tell you, this is just the final faze of Reagan's "Trickle Down" policy!lol!

Trickle down was the idea of letting people keep more of their own money and by liberal standards it's tarded and doesn't work.

Instead, they print money out of thin air and just GIVE it to the 1% while giving us the bill. That's so much better than letting people keep a little more of their own money. Makes so much more sense and isn't trickle down at all.
I believe that is the plan. But you must dial down slowly or you can destabilize the economy further.

what makes you believe this? Look at the reaction of the admin over an 85B cut on future increased spending. I can't believe we have plans to reduce spending.
Trickle down was the idea of letting people keep more of their own money and by liberal standards it's tarded and doesn't work.

Instead, they print money out of thin air and just GIVE it to the 1% while giving us the bill. That's so much better than letting people keep a little more of their own money. Makes so much more sense and isn't trickle down at all.

They print money out of thin air, give it to the 1%, and you get a bill for it?
cool fantasy, sistah.

bush blew up the deficit, obama got them back in order.

reagan/bush blew up the deficit, clinton got them back in order.

all your magical fantasy role playing won't change this fact.

If you're going to make it that simplistic, you've got the fantasy. Reagan, Bush, and Clinton all had to contend with a Congress controlled by the opposite party. Whatever happened to the budget, everyone must have gone along with it. In the Reagan/Bush years, that meant lots of irresponsible spending despite big tax cuts; in the Clinton years, that meant restraint. Obama's in the same situation now: Congress is restraining him and doing what it wants.

You vastly overestimate the role of the president in the deficit/debt, since he can't spend or save a dime without the blessing of Congress.
They print money out of thin air, give it to the 1%, and you get a bill for it?

well not technically printing money, they are creating credit, but you knew this I hope. We will create another trillion (again) this year and give the money interest free directly to the banks who are then supposed to loosen lending. That's our present economic plan.

Devaluing the dollar hurts the poor and middle class the most. It's a regressive tax. To believe increasing the money supply creates wealth means the people in charge feel we can create real wealth from "thin air".

The IMF, China, Russia and many other countries are making a lot of noise to replace the dollar as the world's currency. As it stands now we are able to borrow from ourselves, this changes. We will actually have to pay back the created money. Imagine right now if California could create their own money to borrow from themselves..

Surely you knew of QE3 didn't you?
well not technically printing money, they are creating credit, but you knew this I hope. We will create another trillion (again) this year and give the money interest free directly to the banks who are then supposed to loosen lending. That's our present economic plan.

Devaluing the dollar hurts the poor and middle class the most. It's a regressive tax. To believe increasing the money supply creates wealth means the people in charge feel we can create real wealth from "thin air".

The IMF, China, Russia and many other countries are making a lot of noise to replace the dollar as the world's currency. As it stands now we are able to borrow from ourselves, this changes. We will actually have to pay back the created money. Imagine right now if California could create their own money to borrow from themselves..

Surely you knew of QE3 didn't you?

Can you point out the rampant inflation? Or the failing economy? How about the tanking stock market? Risint unemployment?
Are you just pissed off the Black man got the economy off the ground?