The Federal Reserve is part government and part private (it was created by the government), and they generally do what the Federal Government says. The Federal Reserve is made up of a government portion and representatives from member banks. Banks aren't run by individuals, they're run by boards, so in order to sink the Federal Government, they'd all have to collaborate, which would be illegal. Plus, the banks would only demand money if their depositors demanded money. They wouldn't though, because it's against their interests, and depositors don't all withdraw massive amounts of money all at once like that. The banks receive payment from the Fed regularly, but they also deposit money there too so it usually evens out.
I'm plenty free. I have my money invested in gold and platinum now (I made like $700 last week

), but even when I didn't, I could still pull my money out when I needed it. If it starts to suck too much in the US, I can always move. How am I not free?
If you made the debt invalid, you'd take money away from not just bankers, but little Timmy whose grandpa gave him a savings bond for his birthday. And everyone who has money invested in conservative money-market funds. College funds, retirement funds, etc. Treasury bonds are considered to be the safest type of investment, so it would hit the people who have the most conservative portfolios the hardest. And foreign depositors who will now think twice before investing in the US again. This type of thing has been done before, usually by third-world dictators. The typical result is a mass exodus of the educated class, an end to foreign investment, and massive currency destabilization.
Also, you're making the assumption that private companies are not free to operate in other parts of the world. They are. If Wal-Mart wants to get their stuff from suppliers in China, they have that right in the US. Restricting the trade deficit would mean enacting laws that restrict freedoms.
But cutting defense spending is probably a good idea. Especially for those bloated weapons projects that we never use. We already made the best fighter jet in the world (F-16), and we didn't really need the F-22 or the F-35. These planes are designed for conventional warfare, and there's little chance of us seeing any of that in the near future.
Has anyone seen the Saturday Night Live Weekend Update lately? There's an "economist" on there that's always yelling "We need to FIX IT!" When they ask him how, he'll respond with something like "Step one, figure out what needs to be fixed. Step two, FIX IT!" He reminds me of some of the economists I see on TV these days.