In Mich, Grand Rapids


New Member
Grand Rapids prosecuting attorney is a real douche bag that even intervened within the decriminalization laws that the city voted in . In other words it is not the safest City in the state for Patients and potheads alike but at least now the decrim law is being honored for those with an ounce or less , well I hear it is at the least .. Good luck with the possible move , I lived there for 15 years and met many good people who I still call family and friends .:leaf:

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
check out Genesee County, Ann Arbor, ((Detroit)) <if you r fearless<, and even Lansing is way 'friendlier' than GR as long as you are open to other parts of Michigan. Holla


Well-Known Member
What's the NW area like? Traverse City and that west coast through Frankfort and Manistee? Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
What's the NW area like? Traverse City and that west coast through Frankfort and Manistee? Anyone know?
lovely of course. Frankfort area not bad for MMJ. Traverse is pretty locked down. Ok for personal not great for any kind of market or dispensary.

Ludington is a stone cold NO. Should be boycotted and shuned. Some of the family nutz wanna grow there just to push the PTB back.

No clue on Manistee


Well-Known Member
What's the NW area like? Traverse City and that west coast through Frankfort and Manistee? Anyone know?
Traverse city is really nice a lot of vacationers though at the right time of the season. I've always enjoyed Grand Rapids too, fun place with tons you can do. Hope you enjoy Michigan weather, it's been almost 100 degrees where I'm at for a week and yesterday you needed a sweatshirt gotta love the mitten!

frankfort and manistee are nice as well, in fact I was in manistee about a month ago tons of state land if your into trail riding or any of that stuff.


New Member
Manistee is not friendly , even the Casino will bust your ass with a card on the Federal level . It is a $ 200+ ticket for those caught on Casino grounds and the tribal cops enjoy busting people there for having fun or relieving themselves . Even with there own people :( . The majority of the people there are stuck up and wealthy , as it is just another playground for boaters .


Well-Known Member
once you get north of 52 its really good ole boy rules. don't rock the boat and no ones gonna throw ya over board. thats the way I've always looked at it anyway. be a blessing on the community and not a blight and really i don't think anyone will ask too many questions.

Now if you go around showin off your nice new smoke and fancy new trucks or whatever then someone is probably gonna take note and the feds have a "Unit" in every county in michigan so at that point it doesn't matter where you are. even genesee county has F.A.N.G. the Flint Area Narcotics Group out in shaiwasse its M.A.G.N.E.T. up in bay county its BAY.N.E.T. the list goes on.

Now these guys have 0 to do with local boys and very little to do with county and state. from what i understand they kinda operate right in the middle of state and county operations usually from a state post or station somewhere. they run all their own operations on all their own intel. local boys "turn over" cases to them. they are considered "state" and "county" employees but they have to report to a guy in a suit somewhere sometime so that to me makes em feds.

These guys are BUSY AS SHIT. so you really gotta be an ass hole to make it on their "to raid" list. (this doesn't mean they don't hit old people in wheelchairs cause they do) but chances are if you hold yourself well and don't do a bunch of illegal things you will be good to go.

If i can suggest an area?

It is rural genesee county. their is Tons of nice areas all around the county that are close enough to the flint area that the police out their know what real crime looks like. the prosecutors have delt with real drug dealers and murderers on a daily basis. now you might ask yourself why this is a good thing but they have a grasp on reality and if god forbid you get scooped up for your plants the genesee county prosecutors are gonna laugh as long as your inside your numbers.

I've had cops in my grow on a few occasions in a city immediately outside flint. they gave it a quick count and where on their way. I know if i was moving to this state it would either be REMOTE UP or around genesee county somewhere until i could afford a REMOTE mountain somewhere in the UP lol.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard the casinos are a big no fly zone professor thats too bad. gambling is so much easier to do for long periods of time well medicated.


Well-Known Member
traverse has some money, i don't know the story but I've felt the waves downstate. theres been a couple folks trying to open dispensaries/doc offices in their nice little post card town and i think some of the older money up their didn't like this. kinda made it hostile up their and made it known that it wasn't gonna happen in their city. this is all just conjecture (minus the dispensary opening and getting closed) i have no idea why they are like that but if i had to pick a city in the state that would be finicky it would be traverse or mackinaw id say, Grand rapids immediately comes to mind after with all the bible folks.

Isn't travers city all bibletastic too?


Active Member
Like PPS said Manistee has a State Police Post, Manistee County Sheriff Post, Manistee City Police, and Little River Band Tribal Police. And they are all looking for someone or something to bust. I've had the pleasure of being popped by State Police there for possession before we became a medical state. As you go north on M-22 though, towns like Onekama, Arcadia the popo traffic thins out. Seems like there are more cops in Manistee than there are people.


Well-Known Member
I like Benzie county is why I ask. Frankfort is there. Also Beulah, which has a listing there for a dispensary or club or such, as I recall.


Well-Known Member
definitely one of the most beautiful areas of the state. i haven't spent a whole lotta time on that side tho. I'm an east/north coaster :bigjoint:


Active Member
Rrog, If all goes right I plan on moving up in that area. Its just so beautiful there and thats where I've vacationed since I was a wee little one. At this point in my life I'm not going to let the laws or popo run the rest of my life. Frankfort seems like a really cool town from the time I've spent there, everyone pretty much keeps to themselves.

Holla Man 219

Active Member
Thanks for the info fellow members. I will be taking all into my thought process. I kinda want to be around tge Grand Rapids area as I may need to go check on family in IN or something so I definitely want to be in Michigan but someplace not to far into Michigan. I don't want urban city as much even though the police in urban areas don't fret too much over cannabis. I want a quiet place with a little land around, not too much.


Well-Known Member
One thing I can say for sure is it is one nice Michigan day out today! Not too cold not too hot just right. It is still early though so it could heat up a little but gonna enjoy the day for sure.

Weedz b Baked

Active Member
One thing I can say for sure is it is one nice Michigan day out today! Not too cold not too hot just right. It is still early though so it could heat up a little but gonna enjoy the day for sure.
It is a perfect day outside!

Grand Rapids is too conservative/christian for me.. Just my opinion though.. There are plenty of worse places to live..


Well-Known Member
Yea when it all boils down, anywhere you move to is gonna have its downfalls and Percs just gotta find a decent place and call it home if not youll never b happy.