In my 2nd week sexing please?


Newbie doing the best I can don't have much money but getting things 1by1 so far I have 250watt hps a little fan growing a mixture that I purchased online (so I don't know what I'm growing) in a 10g tub running a20+ gallon air pump and using cutting edge solutions fertz.. And growing in a closet...i started with flo lights and let veg for 5weeks with 24/7 lights now I'm on 12/12 with my hps...heres my problem...every where I look it's says within 2weeks you should be able to tell the sex but I'm having issues...don't know if I'm just impatient or they just not showing yet...hopfully the pics will show since I'm using my phone and can't do upload to the site...check my babies out and let new know if it's to early right now (been flowering for 17 days now) and any tips will be appreciated ..o stay around 5.8to 6 and don't have appm yet!!


Or better yet havr anyone experience their plants taking longer than 2weeks to show sex? I dont ser any balls yet so I guess thats good but also I dont see any white hairs also


Well-Known Member
for most hybrids you should be able to sex your plants in around 3-4 days of 12 hours, or around the 4-6th week of veg

keep checking for the male staminate / pre flowers ..
you have to look very close at the main stems and internodes
i call it "the tiny plant cock"
as soon as i spot this, i remove these plants and take cuttings from the remaining female* plants
the male clearly has a little stalk/shaft with a helmet on the end

females never have this stalk/shaft,

you will see tiny irregular shaped looking single calyx with no pistils developing on females after just 4-5 days or as preflowers from week 5 of veg onwards

they will all come stright from the stem this growth will never be on a stalk like structure ..

spot the male stalk early .. take cuttings from the rest that show no signs of being male ..

doing it this way lets you have cuttings from all your females, before they flower :joint:


Well-Known Member
early sexing of plants requires close inspection of the plants every branch etc
as the first sexual growth is very tiny

looking at distorted low res pictures is not going to help here i am afraid


Active Member
Hey sounds like you have a decent setup going....You should just get fem seeds....then you wouldn't have to worry about sexing....not to mention lost time wasted on a male plant


Well-Known Member
for me the selection process is first identify and remove males
then remove any weak/unhealthy slow growing females

i think its better/faster to sex them by looking for the males first
the male will show very early on, once you have removed the males then you know the rest are female*

although it is still possible that some remaining plants could have some hermaphrodite tendencies that show female signs first and male flowers later, this is rare
if this happens those plants would be removed also and any cuttings previously taken would be discarded

after doing it for a while you will become confident that any plants that do not show male with in a few days are females, a few days or weeks later once you see the pistils then you can confirm what you already knew, but i do understand seeing the pistils makes folk feel better about it :)