In need of some direction


New Member
Hi all, this is my first full grow and I'm a bit lost and need some ideas of where my plants are at. It's been a bit up and down. I started off with eight plants, I've killed one by using seasol which I wasn't sure would be right or not and I've given a couple away. I don't know what type of plants they are as I was given the seeds by a mate.
I have started them all indoors until they were strong enough to go outside. The first picture is after a few weeks from germinating and they were about four inches.

the 2nd is at around seven weeks and they were around 10".

being summer here it has been really hot, and three of the smaller ones got burnt badly, the big one was also with them but in a white pot not a black one like the others.

The last photos are a close to current state. I'm working out if the bigger one which is about two foot if suffering from over heat or water.

Theyr'e all now about 3 months old. Mainly I would like a rough idea on how long I should keep letting them grow for and how to make them start flowering. They're still growing at a rate of an inch a day. They have to remain outdoors. I would also like any clues as to what strain they might be as I have no clue.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
They look a little overwatered to me.

Outdoors, they will start to flower when the seasons change and the hours of light reduce. in indoor, you switch lighting from 18 hrs a day to 12 and that triggers it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with growin dad, a bit over watered looking. you could purchase some potassium silica (usually for hydro systems but can be used in soil). silica can help reduce heat stress and some b vitamins wouldn't hurt. make sure you get b vitamin for plants tho lol...and yes, outside growing you have to wait for the season to change. daylight falling below 15 hours per day will start to trigger some strains, some need to go to 12/12 do get a full response unless you have an autoflower strain. those have no light changing requirements, they will bloom in short time no matter what light cycle is going...good luck bro...


New Member
Thanks fellas. I've cut my watering back to every couple of days and bought them into the shade a bit more. So they'll just keep growing for another month or so before they do anything else. I'll go to the hydro shop over the weekend and see what they've got to help. They're looking better over the last couple of days, it's hard to keep the water consistent when were going from 40 degree days to mid 20's and back to 40's.