In the market for some cheap PH testing equipment


Well-Known Member
Onegow, I use a drop test kit like that and it works OK for me. Will you be able to tell the difference between 5.5 and 5.7? No. You will use an eye dropper or something like that to adjust one gallon of water. Those bottles of up and down will last a long, long time doing one gallon at a time. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
that would last u ages man .... ages .... and there not that accurate because its your eyes that have to match the colours if i know what i mean , but its accurate enuf.


Thanks guys. I just ordered those strips. I would prefer the digital one, but then I'd still need calibration solution and the drops to lower and raise ph. Cash is kind of tight.


Well-Known Member
if you're using soil:

just get the water ph tested at a local pet shop. say it's your aquarium, get some of the water you're gonna water the plants with.

your tap water will be either alkaline, acid, or neutral. if it's alkaline, you can use distilled white vinegar or lime juice to raise it's PH. if it's too acid, you can use a bit of baking soda to bring the PH down. if it's neutral, just add 2-3 drops of vinegar to a gallon of water.


p.s. if you use tap water, it's probably alkaline, so you'll only need ph down....