Incinerators Found at Abu Ghairb


New Member
elcivic420 ...

If you think Med isn't a socialist, then you haven't been reading his posts.

Here's your quote:

"I dont think Medicine man is even asking for a socialist society here ppl. He is just asking to stop spending 3 BILLION PER MONTH of money that the U.S. DOES NOT HAVE."

In his previous posts (100's of them), Med has called for:

1. An "equalizing" of incomes.
2. The suppression of wealth.
3. Higher taxes. (much higher)
4. More government intrusion into our lives.
5. The destruction of our medical system.
6. Limiting the pay of corporate executives via government power.
7. More power to the IRS.
8. Trillions more to "help the poor."
9. Has espouse the philosophy of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Now, if that isn't Socialism/Marxism ... what the hell is it?



Well-Known Member
Please don't equate any of the following terms with each other:




each is distinct from the other, and there are criticisms that apply to one that don't apply to the others, etc.

Incidentally, the analytical framework Marx set up is very useful as an intellectual tool--you don't have to reach the same conclusions Marx did in applying it. His view of history and especially his projections of its future course were all wrong, but there's still a lot of value in looking at how ideology interacts with economic systems, which was the core of his mode of thought.

Consider, for instance, the direction Weber went with it--he re-worked Marx's model to project that a Soviet style system would fail before Stalin even took power. I don't think the author of The Protestant Ethic in the Spirit of Capitalism is much in danger of being called a Communist.


Well-Known Member
Now, if that isn't Socialism/Marxism ... what the hell is it?

Fairly conventional New Deal style liberalism? Some of it, anyway.

And you're being a awfully loose with your language. Calling for the replacement of something is not merely calling for its destruction. That skirts the edge of a lie of omission.

Anyway, interesting thread, carry on. /wave


Well-Known Member
Its that damned bullshit limiting meter at headquarters, I tell ya. Those fuckers don't miss anything, GrowRebel. :mrgreen:

Not only do you put out nothing but bullshit ... you never can back it up ... and when you do your sources are bullshit ... but that's one of those bushie traits you can't seem to help projecting your own shortcomings on to others ... especially the ones that can pounds you with the facts ... facts you can never dispute ... ... so folks once again the pot calls the kettle black ...


New Member
Yeah!!!!! The king of bullshit calls me a commie for wanting social reform, but thinks it's OK to spend a few trillion on some bullshit corporate foriegn policy. Fascism I rells ya, fascism!!!


New Member
elcivic420 ...

If you think Med isn't a socialist, then you haven't been reading his posts.

Here's your quote:

"I dont think Medicine man is even asking for a socialist society here ppl. He is just asking to stop spending 3 BILLION PER MONTH of money that the U.S. DOES NOT HAVE."

In his previous posts (100's of them), Med has called for:

1. An "equalizing" of incomes.
2. The suppression of wealth.
3. Higher taxes. (much higher)
4. More government intrusion into our lives.
5. The destruction of our medical system.
6. Limiting the pay of corporate executives via government power.
7. More power to the IRS.
8. Trillions more to "help the poor."
9. Has espouse the philosophy of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Now, if that isn't Socialism/Marxism ... what the hell is it?

But, asshole, it aint communism. I'll admit to being more towards the social end of the spectrum but dictatorship by either the left or the right is not on my agenda. whereas you seem to be comfortable with the Bush agenda as long as you get a tax break, selfish, selfish. selfish!


Well-Known Member
This has gotten retarded. We aren't incinerating people...we don't need to. If they want to kill someone they can just do it with no need to use a frigging incinerator....


Well-Known Member
That's the problem with murder,.... you gotta dispose of the body
We are at war over there. We are in control. There is nobody to hide the bodies from. If we killed someone or even a group of people we could leave their dead bodies where they lay and call them terrorists....



New Member
We are at war over there. We are in control. There is nobody to hide the bodies from. If we killed someone or even a group of people we could leave their dead bodies where they lay and call them terrorists....

Yes there is! If you have killed someone you have in your possession, you either have to present a body and admit the killing or dispose of it and deny you ever had it.


Well-Known Member
Ok I am seeing that some people will believe anything as long as it attempts to make America and/or Bush look worse.

I hate Bush. I hate the war in Iraq. I still realize this story is rediculous.


Active Member
We are at war over there. We are in control. There is nobody to hide the bodies from. If we killed someone or even a group of people we could leave their dead bodies where they lay and call them terrorists....


You are right! If we were abiding by the Geneva and countless other international laws, There is no need for an oven!. SO WHY DO THEY HAVE ONE?


New Member
Here's how it works: the soldiers come in the middle of the night, kick in the door and drag the men off with hoods over their heads. The women know they are going to some US compound (Prison). They start asking about them. To cover up the killing, they just burn the bodies and say they escaped, or they released them. If you can't see this, then you are way too brainwashed to argue with. It will come out in the future, mark my words. There are plenty of evil men and quite a few are working for the US in Iraq.


Well-Known Member
Here's how it works: the soldiers come in the middle of the night, kick in the door and drag the men off with hoods over their heads. The women know they are going to some US compound (Prison). They start asking about them. To cover up the killing, they just burn the bodies and say they escaped, or they released them. If you can't see this, then you are way too brainwashed to argue with. It will come out in the future, mark my words. There are plenty of evil men and quite a few are working for the US in Iraq.
Now if you want to contend that a small group or singler soldier has been doing something evil that has NOT been OK'ed by their superiors then I can entertain that theory. But to call this U.S. policy is still way too much of a leap.


New Member
Now if you want to contend that a small group or singler soldier has been doing something evil that has NOT been OK'ed by their superiors then I can entertain that theory. But to call this U.S. policy is still way too much of a leap.
I totally disagree. Tell me who authorizes renditions! Who has the authority to fly 747s around the globe picking up renditioned prisoners and taking them to torture places, the pilots? I think not, it is coming from much higher up. My guess, that evil bastard Cheney's office.


Well-Known Member
Here's how it works: the soldiers come in the middle of the night, kick in the door and drag the men off with hoods over their heads. The women know they are going to some US compound (Prison). They start asking about them. To cover up the killing, they just burn the bodies and say they escaped, or they released them. If you can't see this, then you are way too brainwashed to argue with. It will come out in the future, mark my words. There are plenty of evil men and quite a few are working for the US in Iraq.
That's just going too far. Executing a mission that may not be entirely justified? Yes, it's their job. The military is subordinate to our civilian leadership. Dragging people off without due process or even any real certainty of guilt, yes. Those are the ground rules that have been established. Soldiers don't make them. Abusive detention, yes. Again, these practices are dictated from on high.

Knowingly executing the innocent to avoid bad PR or reprimand? That's way too much to buy. Maybe from the darker elements of the contractor forces, but not enlisted troops. Have some faith in the basic decency of American kids. They want to be heroes, not villains. There's only so far they will go before some start to question and refuse orders, or officers begin to retire and speak out, as has been happening lately, and that's one of the greatest qualities of our military.

You know that when Jon Stewart compares Cheney to Darth Vader it's a joke--right? It's a 'hahaha only serious' kind of joke, but it's still a joke.


Well-Known Member
I totally disagree. Tell me who authorizes renditions! Who has the authority to fly 747s around the globe picking up renditioned prisoners and taking them to torture places, the pilots? I think not, it is coming from much higher up. My guess, that evil bastard Cheney's office.
Cheney has never served in the military. So why would you tar soldiers with the same brush as the administration? Rendition is typically done by the CIA, not a 21 year old Army PFC from Idaho or East LA.